View Full Version : Leg Pains? Praying it's not a blood clot...

27-11-11, 09:17
For the past few nights, I've been having pain and weird sensations (burning, stinging, etc.) in my legs. It's mostly the left leg, in the calf area. The pain is intermittent, and happens whether I'm at rest or walking. I've been having some trouble walking as well; not from pain, but because my legs feel weak. Earlier tonight, I was having some chest pain (also intermittent), slight difficulty breathing, and dizziness. My biggest fear is that I have a blood clot.
I haven't injured myself, I'm not pregnant, not taking a birth control pill or any kind of medication, I don't smoke, I don't go on long trips, and I'm not overweight. To my knowledge, I don't have any sort of clotting disorder. The only person in my family who has had a clot is my grandma, but she has quite a few risk factors for developing one.
I'm worried that I might have one because i haven't been getting hardly any exercise lately. Most days, I stay in bed for long periods of time because my allergies make me feel really sick. I do get up pretty often, and I move my legs a lot even when I'm lying down.
Do my symptoms sound like a blood clot, or is this just from anxiety?

27-11-11, 09:23
hi i unfort last year had 2 blood clots, my legs never ached but my ankles were very swollen , the pain i had in my side and chest was unbelievable i couldnt even walk, i was also coughing up blood this happened after id had a baby he was only 3 weeks old at the time, your symptoms doesnt sound like blood clot but why not got to drs for some reassurance at least
take care

27-11-11, 09:37
Ooh, glad you're okay...
I've got a doctor's appointment on Monday, so I can mention my leg pain while I'm there.
Thank you! :)

27-11-11, 09:39
good luck let us know how you get on x

27-11-11, 11:47
Hi miss-alice are your calves swollen and redish on the skin ?
have by any chance recently had an air flight or a period of imobility ?

27-11-11, 22:24
No, I don't see any swelling or redness. I haven't been on any flights or immobilized.
My leg hasn't been hurting hardly at all today. I hope it stays like that!

28-11-11, 14:54
Good to hear maybe it was a pulled muscle.

28-11-11, 16:45
I had tingling & burning in my leg & foot & it was sciatica

28-11-11, 17:16
dont know how you got on at docs but I had something similar a while ago and it turned out to be sciatica caused by a nerve getting irritated by a lower back muscle. I had the pain you describe down the backs of my legs. I went to a physio who sorted it out-the gp I saw was nt much help. x

28-11-11, 17:24
Tingling in arms & legs can also be caused by vitamin deficiencies.
Get yourself a good multi-vit & see if that helps.

I was lacking in B vitamins as I don't eat meat.

29-11-11, 03:08
I haven't injured myself, I'm not pregnant, not taking a birth control pill or any kind of medication, I don't smoke, I don't go on long trips, and I'm not overweight. To my knowledge, I don't have any sort of clotting disorder. The only person in my family who has had a clot is my grandma, but she has quite a few risk factors for developing one.

29-11-11, 04:00
I ended up going to the E.R. early Monday morning because I started having really severe pain in my calf. From the knee down, my skin was ice cold and numb. My chest was also hurting pretty bad and I had some trouble breathing. I had an EKG, X-Rays of my chest, and 10 different blood tests (including a D-Dimer, because they thought I could have a clot).
I had a panic attack when I was admitted to a room, so they gave me some Ativan through an IV. It calmed me down, and it made me walk like a drunk person. :roflmao:
The good news is, I don't have any blood clots, or heart and lung problems. They did say that my potassium levels were a little low, which could've caused some of my symptoms. I took some HUGE pills and had this nasty drink stuff to take care of that.
I've got a follow-up visit with my regular doctor Tuesday.