View Full Version : older sufferers need some advice

27-11-11, 12:00
sorry this is abit long to read for every one but just need to tell some one how i feel with my anxiety as im not sure if im making my anxiety worse or if its just a age thing .im 55 and have had GAD for about 4yrs now and at times is relly bad especialy when problems arise at home,and feel i cant cope with it at times i have 8 children which allo have grown up now exept my youngest who is 15 and still have my 2 of my sons at home who are in thier 20s i got divorced about 7yrs ago after 20yrs so been on my own ever since .which i struggled very hard to try and rebuild my life and still havent done it as just dont know how or ware to start as ive never worked just brought my children up and depended on my ex finacially and so i never had time for myself or hobbiesas it was all about looking after my children,and even when i was a young child from the age of 10 i had to always look after my 4 young brothers and sisters all the time and to cut a long story short always had people tell me wat to do like my mum and my ex partner and always done everything to please them and the rest of my family . i dont have any friends only my children who i see , i dont go out socialising as ive no one to go with so i just stay at home most of the time ,so i get very lonely and wish that i could be like other older people as i look at them going about doing things and enjoying thier life.i have had cbt for my anxiety which helped abit and people tell me wat i should do to to to help me get get out and about again and to get a hobbie or do voluntry work and to find something i really like doing but my problem is i just dont know wat i would like to do ive never had any hobbies all i ever done ishave to look afrer every one else so i just dont know ware to start ,i think wat im trying to ask is ,is it my anxiety stoping me and bieng scared of making the first step or is just me and need profesional help , sorry if this is too long and boring for every one i just needed to tell some one how i feel and maybe get some advice off some one ,im not looking for sympathy off any one just wanted to share my thoughts as i cant really talk to my children they dont understand and they think its just me