View Full Version : Footballing legend Gary Speed has died

27-11-11, 12:51
Welsh Football Manager, Gary Speed has been found dead.

Sending my thoughts and condolences to Gary's family and friends.

R I P Gary

27-11-11, 18:27
RIP Gary Speed, so sad :weep:

27-11-11, 18:33
rip gary :(

27-11-11, 18:58
god bless gary r.i.p.

27-11-11, 19:36
RIP Gary xxx my thoughts go out to your family and so sorry u didn't get the help u so desperatly needed xxx

macc noodle
27-11-11, 22:46
RIP Gary Speed - whatever demons you had tormenting you - you are now at rest.

And to anyone else reading this and feeling desperate PLEASE PLEASE shout out for help and do not follow his path - it is not the way to go...................


27-11-11, 22:57
RIP Gary Speed - whatever demons you had tormenting you - you are now at rest.

And to anyone else reading this and feeling desperate PLEASE PLEASE shout out for help and do not follow his path - it is not the way to go...................

The help is not always there though is it.

27-11-11, 23:58
No the help isn't always there. But unless someone asks for it!!!!!!!

What can we do?

28-11-11, 05:20
I am always deeply saddened when i hear of someone who has taken their own life, one cant begin to even imagine what frame of mind someone must be in to take such measures, there for the grace of god..... thinking of his family left behind, so so sad ... RIP

macc noodle
28-11-11, 06:45
The help is not always there though is it.

Baileys - my point was that all the newspaper reports from "friends" and "colleagues" indicated that he had given no hint of being unwell.

And, that you should shout out if you are suffering so that then at least people around you know that you are struggling and your support network can try and do the best for you.

That's all ...................................... no point them all standing round now saying "well, he had it all to live for" because clearly the poor man was suffering .............


PS don't want to turn this thread into a rant about the state of psychiatric care available in UK just wanted to clarify my original point


28-11-11, 07:11
Baileys - my point was that all the newspaper reports from "friends" and "colleagues" indicated that he had given no hint of being unwell.

And, that you should shout out if you are suffering so that then at least people around you know that you are struggling and your support network can try and do the best for you.

That's all ...................................... no point them all standing round now saying "well, he had it all to live for" because clearly the poor man was suffering .............


PS don't want to turn this thread into a rant about the state of psychiatric care available in UK just wanted to clarify my original point

God where did all that come from, I wasnt blaming anyone, you read into my reply what you wanted and turned it into something it wasnt.:weep:

28-11-11, 08:59
So sad this. I think the stigma attached to mental illness is the main reason people dont get the help they need, it has to change!! Its an illness just like a physical illness its the last taboo in our society that has to change!

macc noodle
28-11-11, 09:15
God where did all that come from, I wasnt blaming anyone, you read into my reply what you wanted and turned it into something it wasnt.:weep:


I did not and was not having a go at you! I did not read anything into your reply and most certainly did not turn it into something it wasnt!!

Merely reread my post and wondered if it looked as if I was saying something inappropriate and clarified it - that is all.


Macc Noodle

28-11-11, 10:29
I think whether the help is there or not, some people just don't want it.

This is the third suicide i have head of recently and neither person even indicated a problem. All acted completely normal until the end.

It's a sad but true fact that there could be 24 hour help out there and to some, it just wouldn't make a blind bit of difference.


28-11-11, 11:23
it goes to show what a silent illness this is ,,one day gary wes chatting on the tv seemed fine to all ,but inside he must have been in great pain .its so sad ,i feel for his family ,they may never know why he chose to end his life ,this illness is so hard to bear eeven if we seem fine ,its not always the case ,we are good at masking our true feelings ,its good that this site exists ..as we can talk about our inner fears to people like ourselves who truly understand ,,R.I.P MR GARY SPEED

28-11-11, 12:53
So so sad
even more poignant that he was chatty and upbeat on the TV hours before .
But we all know that can happen when someone has made their mind up .

A member of my family is policeman and gets called frequently to attend bridge incidents by taxi drivers or the public . And has bless him talked the distressed down more often that not . But then his role ends and hospital takes over .
There are not the resources simple . And the suicidal are left alone while the big machine of care grinds too slowly for some to save them .
no ones fault .........we still have good health care compared to a lot of the world . Mental health is low on charity fundraising and resources .people !!!
The key is communication I believe ......talking ........
and it worries me hugely that men are the most likely to feel abandoned and alone with their distress . Thank GOD for this place xxx

RIP Gary ............and prayers for you family xxx

29-11-11, 15:36
It is a terrible thing to have happened.
A member of my family took an overdose.
She survived,.
I clearly remember her husband ringing me from the hospital, he could not get his words out to tell me and the staffnurse took over th phone call.
There are so many things --we don't know what goes on in people's lives.
I feel so much for the family