View Full Version : What does Diazepan feel like???

27-11-11, 16:14
I suffer from anxiety can anyone tell me if diazepan hepls i wouldnt take it all time just in reallt difficult situations so maybe 4-5 times a year would i be able to work im a nurse?? Thanks

27-11-11, 16:23
Hi becky. Yes diazapam has a very calming effect, but is highly addictive , but i use it sometimes, and it is really good at calming me down and taking the edge off, yes you will be able to work, i don't know what dose you would take, i take 2mg tabs, and have never had a problem

27-11-11, 16:46
This sounds great because i do manage to push through some things but i just get so anxious about a certain thing im terrible and its extremely embarassing if i knew i had something what took the edge off i would feel so much better, would i feel drowsey how does it make you feel to make you feel better sorry to answer so many questions i just want to make sure this is for me :-) I do take propanalol but its not enough sometimes becky

27-11-11, 17:11
becky it should'nt make you drowsy, why not try it when you are at home, and see how you feel, and i know what you mean about certain things, i'm sure it will help, it makes me feel calm, and able to deal with the situation better, but not drowsy.

27-11-11, 18:37
sounds great! I think i will try it first if the doctor will give it me, i think she will though shes gave it me before but i thought i knew better and didnt give them a chance ive sort of decided that insted of fighting all the time maybe i can accept a bit of help, thank you for your advice becky

28-11-11, 12:01
My brother was on diazpem for pyhcohis as he was trying to attack/hurt him self and leave the hospital unit. it calmed him down hugely. :)

28-11-11, 12:36
I take them when I'm stressed & I am still able to function.

I say that but people probably think I look hungover :roflmao:

28-11-11, 13:51
When I've taken them I don't really "feel" it, I just notice that I'm able to do things more. It worked really well for me. Could be worth a try if you think you need some extra help sometimes. Being stubborn never does us any good! :)

28-11-11, 22:31
i really like diazepam! it's a lovely calm and in control feeling!! xxx

28-11-11, 22:41
When I'm really anxious diazepam just brings me back down to "normal". It doesn't make me feel sleepy or drowsy.

It is addictive though and your body will become used to it after a while and therefore won't have the same effect. But if you just take a low dose on an as required basis you should be fine.

I'm on 12.5mg a day by the way. x

29-11-11, 00:59
Hi becky. Yes diazapam has a very calming effect, but is highly addictive , but i use it sometimes, and it is really good at calming me down and taking the edge off, yes you will be able to work, i don't know what dose you would take, i take 2mg tabs, and have never had a problem

I really get sick of hearing how "addictive" it is.
I've been taking 5mg / day for 6 yrs now and have no problems whatsoever.
If you have an addictive personality you'll get addicted - if not you're fine

29-11-11, 13:57
I really get sick of hearing how "addictive" it is.
I've been taking 5mg / day for 6 yrs now and have no problems whatsoever.
If you have an addictive personality you'll get addicted - if not you're fine

Well, I used to take 5mg tablets on as "as required" basis i.e. if I was having a panic attack or feeling really anxious, I would take one and it would really calm me down. After a "crisis" that required hospitalisation last year and the year before at one point I was up to 20mg a day. I've got that down to 12.5mg a day BUT it has less of an effect because my body has become used to it.

I'd love to get back to 5mg a day and I personally wouldn't have a problem with that.

Also, 5mg a day is such a low dose that I doubt you would get withdrawals from just stopping it. However, people who are on higher doses would need to gradually withdraw or they would get withdrawal symptoms.

29-11-11, 14:36
if there's an alternative i wouldn't take it. it has a calming effect and made me feel all warm and fluffy but i got addicted to it and had major withdrawels. If you are sure you'll only take it occasionally, fine, but never rely on it long term.

29-11-11, 15:54
I really get sick of hearing how "addictive" it is.
I've been taking 5mg / day for 6 yrs now and have no problems whatsoever.
If you have an addictive personality you'll get addicted - if not you're fine
any dr will tell you that diazapam is addictive, the more you use it the more your body gets used to it, and it and the less effective it becomes, therefore needing a higher dose, my body got used to it , and i weened off, i would'nt say i had an addictive personallity, in my opinion it is a great drug when used as and when required, but my gp won't prescribe me any more than 14 tabs every couple of months, which is ok for me, i have no problems.

29-11-11, 16:47
Maybe phil you'll notice how addictive it is when you try and come off.

29-11-11, 22:02
After 6 yrs it's still as effective as ever so I really don't believe any of the hype about it.
Many years ago however I broke my neck and was put on 90mg/day as a muscle relaxant.THAT was hard to come off.
Phill :shades:

blue moon
29-11-11, 22:35
diazapam taken in right way,esp valium is Ok it is when people start to abuse them with the way they make them feel then it become addictive,they should be used for short term.Just my opinion.
Petra x

30-11-11, 11:04
blue moon i totally agree x