View Full Version : Chest Pain

Natalie x
27-11-11, 23:48
Hi. Earlier I had a feeling that I couldn't breathe properly and my chest felt funny. I then started to feel as though my left arm was hurting and thinking it was a heart attack. Can anyone relate? It's gone now but I'm scared it'll come back x

27-11-11, 23:56
If it goes then it is not a heart attack

We get aches and pains all the time for no reason and this may well be one of those times for you.

28-11-11, 06:22
Last night I had some pain in my left arm like someone had punched it and was bruised...at one point I felt like I had a throbbing pain run over my heart......it's scary as you really can wind yourself up waiting and thinking your going to have heart attack.....

I just tried out the breathing exercise and it passed after a short while.....

28-11-11, 12:58
Yes I get this type of thing a lot with my heart. Not always pain. Sometimes its runs of skipped beats and fast heart beat and then I panic like mad that its something wrong with my heart. So far though it has always gone away in time though and I think if it was something terrible it wouldn't pass. Hope you feel better soon.

28-11-11, 17:20
this happened to me yesterday. Have got a new job and went to meet everyone and whilst I was stood talking I had a pain over my heart and down my arm-and yes I thought the same as you !
I was expecting it to happen again and thought great Im gonna have a heart attack in front of people I barely know but Im fine xx