View Full Version : Only sick when home

28-11-11, 02:10
So for the 2 weeks previous to Thanksgiving week I had been feeling nauseous and not well on and off through the day. I thought maybe I was coming down with something.

Well, I went to my hometown for this past week to visit my family for the holiday. I felt pretty good most of the time I was there.

Now I am back home and I have been here for about 4 hours and I am starting to feel sick to my stomach again and not right at all. Is it possible that something in my home is making me unwell? I guess I am a little paranoid because I found mold in my basement due to water damage, however I have closed off that room completely (until I can have someone come inspect and remove it) and it is not close to any sort of ventilation system (like my furnace).

I am hoping this is just another episode of my HA rearing its head. Seriously I don't understand why I feel fine away from home but not when I am there.

28-11-11, 06:17
I thought this recently....every time I was out in town or shopping I felt fine and within a small amount of time at home bad again...was going to get the gas checked thinking I was getting poisoned.
I think that maybe we assoiciate something that has happened to us at home which has affected us.
I was home when I found out my husband was shot in afganistan, when he was away another time my dog got flees and the stress of trying to get rid of them and everything else my hair started falling out from alopecia areata....I think somewhere in the back of my mind being home has caused stress....maybe to the point where I wait for something to happen,,,if that makes sence?

28-11-11, 13:00
It could easily be HA. When you were away I expect you were distracted by other things.

It would be worth investing in a carbon monoxide monitor to be on the safe side. You can get a simple one from the diy / hardware store for a couple of pounds - nothing fancy, it just turns black if there is any carbon monoxide in the air. Your symptoms don't sound like carbon monoxide poisoning (DON'T GOOGLE :lac:), but from personal experience it's a good idea to be on the safe side and have one anyway.