View Full Version : Am I goiong to go Crazy?:-(

28-11-11, 09:44
Hi There,
I have suffered with health anxiety and panic attacks for a couple of years now, I take 20mg Cit, and 3 x 40mg Propranalol daily.....and try and keep a routine so that attacks are few and far between.

The problem I have been having a lot recently, is the fear I will go mad, like perhaps I'll not know what I am doing.....feel distant from my other half, yet our relationship is perfect... does anybody else get this? What if I do go crazy.....it terrifys the hell out of me. I would lose everything, I don't want to be in an institution.

Can anyone shed any light, or help?!?! xxxx

28-11-11, 10:15
First of all you are NOT going crazy, you are suffering from anxiety, which is a real problem, but you will get through this, first of all talk to your gp, about your meds, it may not be working for you properly, i too when i was at my worse felt exactly the same, and was worried about my husband and family too, worried about being admitted, in fact worried about everything, but i got through it, and you will too, don't be to hard on yourself, and ask for help, people understand much more than we give them credit for, and in time you will make a full recovery, but it takes time. good luck x

28-11-11, 10:38
Thank you so much for your reply.
I think I worry about it more because its...mentality isnt it, I manage to push the thoughts of Cancer, and toothache meaning all my teeth are going to fall out, leg ache is blood clots etc to the back of my mind, but there is something about the thought "i'm going to go crazy" that makes it impossible for me to do that.
Will I really, really not!! If it is just the anxiety I will have to learn to live with that as well I guess.....Did you get that distant feeling as well?!


28-11-11, 16:38
yes i did i understand what you are going through and i promise you things will get better, i never thought i would ever get better, but i did, and you will too x

28-11-11, 17:01
I also feel like I am going crazy.:wacko::wacko::wacko: I feel like everything isn't real and I need to keep telling myself it is. I keep on questioning everything in my head by asking stupid questions like "what happens when you die?" and "How did the Earth get here?". It is now taking over and it is what I think about every minute of the day. Does anyone have any advice on how to get myself back to normal?