View Full Version : Thank you. All of you

01-06-06, 06:21
I write this message in a perfectly calm state. No anxiety at all, and I have you guys to thank for that.

I found this site at the end of last week whilst going though one of the worst bouts of anxiety I have had in the 14 years i have suffered health anxiety, and it is through reading your posts and realising that i am not alone in my condition, that i decided to get off my arse and do something about it.

In a previous post I told you that on saturday I was put on medication. Well i can tell you now that it has worked. It's wonderful, and i now realise that even during the times when I was not anxious, i actually was.

I feel great. I have a long way to go yet, I'm more than aware that it is the drugs that are my crutch at the moment, but i am now so determined to rid myself of health anxiety once an for all.

To compliment my medication i have had my doctor set up several sessions of counsilling and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy.

My heart goes out to each and every one of you who is going through this at the moment, but PLEASE realise that it is the Health anxiety that needs treating, and not the physical symptoms.

I went (I say went because I am determined to put it behind me now) through health anxiety for 14 years and it was 14 years wasted. those of you in your teeens or early 20's, please dont make my mistake and just live with it. Get help now, help is available.

My doctor said something to me today. He said that some things are out of our control. Bad things happen to everyone from time to time and we all, without exception, die in the end. You only get one life and if you spend all of it worrying about what bad things might happen and when we are going to die, we leave ourself no time to lbe happy.

Now i'm going to get some sleep and then wake up feeling good, no only because i am not anxious anymore, but because i am proud of myself for doing something about my Illness.

01-06-06, 07:13
Hi..I am EXACTLY at the same level as you at the moment.....I am 30 and have been chronic witht his for 10 years. 3 weeks ago I totally fell apart and had what I think was a minor nervous breakdowm. My doc is fantastic and has been trying for 6 months to get me some antidepressants specifically designed for anxiety and they ARE really taking the edge off. I almost feel normal again and I haven't even been taking the whole tablet...just three quarters each day. I am also going to CBT and am determined to kick this or I will loose everything in life that I love. Good for you that you have taken this very important step towards feeling like YOU again. My heartfelt well wishes for your continued well-being and to all those suffering without help....DO IT. It will not go away on it's own. We are all going to the same place in the end.....we just arrive at different times......nothing we can do about it......p.s...I never would have said that in the worst throes of anxiety....my head is clearer and the illness isn't tapping at my head trying to overtake me all day anymore...it's not gone but heaps better.


01-06-06, 09:27
Wow, that's great for you J: having been where you are and back several times, i know how relieved you must be to feel 'normal' agin. It's a great feeling isn't it.

What your doctor said was so true, it's just so hard for us to see that at the time we are suffering badly.

I hope that you continue on your road to recovery and I'm positive that you can do this.

Well done mate

Shiv x

01-06-06, 09:34
The main thing for me now is the Cognitive Therapy. i have no idea what it is or exactly what it is supposed to do, but I'm really looking forward to it.

Anyone been to cognitive therapy? if so, what do they do?

01-06-06, 09:52
What they do basically, is get you to change your thought patterns from the negative "what ifs" and "OMG- I've got....." into positive thoughts. Sounds pretty silly and obvious and impossible all at the same time- but it takes practice and is proven to work.

Thats it in a nutshell mate!

Shiv x

01-06-06, 14:08

Seriously, you have posted some excellent advice over the last week, which is only the length of time I have been here so i'm very grateful for you finding the site when you did! This is a great site and everyone is truly supportive and heplful.

I'm so glad for you that you've found a way to beat this and you sound brilliantly optimistic about the future, which is great and I hope it continues.

Good luck with the therapy and carry on thinking positive!!! The next 14 years will be fantastic for you i'm sure.

Keep posting, let us know how you're going!

