View Full Version : Stop coffee!

28-11-11, 14:28
Has anyone ever tried to stop coffee for there anxiety? i'm a bit of a coffee addict to be honest have have consumed 2 or 3 cups a day for the past few years i do think this contributes grately to my anxiety though :/

So as from today i bought herbal detox tea from sainsburys and not had a coffee, hopefully i'll feel more relaxed in general in a week or so but i'll let you all know how i get on :yesyes:

28-11-11, 14:35
I gave up all caffeine many many years ago - it is not good for anxiety!

28-11-11, 14:36
did you feel better for giving it up?

28-11-11, 15:39
i've been doing this the last few days aswell, bought decaff tea, which isnt that great but I'm interested to see if it helps. I don't drink tons of tea and coffee but i'm sure cutting it right down will make a difference. the only thing i think to bear in mind is that stopping a heavy use of caffeine quickly can make you withdraw, as it's still a drug, and may make you temporarily more anxious until it wears off... just to bear in mind if you feel worse before you feel better! x

28-11-11, 15:42
^ thanks Kwarly :)

yeah decaf tea tastes like water and milk.. only lol i'm just trying herbal teas at the moment but i have a strong urge to go and make myself a nice big mug of filtered coffee :O

hopefully the withdrawal effect will pass soon

28-11-11, 16:06
I know what you mean about decaff tea - strange taste. I bought some camomile tea as well to try and dont like it. tastes like stewed grass! Maybe you get used to it. I quite like decaff coffee though.

28-11-11, 16:25
I know what you mean about decaff tea - strange taste. I bought some camomile tea as well to try and dont like it. tastes like stewed grass! Maybe you get used to it. I quite like decaff coffee though.

Try honey in your chamomile tea, makes it bearable !

28-11-11, 16:29
Im a coffee drinker and often think that i ought to cut back, the thought of stopping altogether makes me uneasy lol

28-11-11, 16:33
I did try honey in the tea but maybe it was the wrong kind of honey. It was acacia honey.

28-11-11, 16:36
I did try honey in the tea but maybe it was the wrong kind of honey. It was acacia honey.

try the cheap runny honey rather than decent stuff, just makes the tea sweet...although its still an acquired taste, took me ages to get used to it but it works like proprananol :yesyes:

28-11-11, 16:38
Ok. I'll give it a go. I have heard that camomile tea is very calming.

02-12-11, 16:31
How did the camomile taste with honey - I've been trying to quit tea over the last few days which has been really tough because I usually have at least ten mugs a day (bigger than your average size mug too), with two sugars. A couple of days ago I noticed that my anxiety increased every time I had my "soothing" cuppa, which made me reach for my cigarettes, which made me even more anxious, which made me need another cigarette/cuppa -and so the anxiety cycle went on.

I managed a full day without tea yesterday but had a terrible nights sleep (I didn't actually get any sleep). I've been drinking peppermint tea to settle my stomach as I'm still in the first two weeks of being back on Seroxat and the SE's have been aweful.

03-12-11, 10:07
Hi. The camomile tea is not too bad with honey but I wouldnt say I enjoy it. Definitely an aquired taste but I am trying to stick with it. Have you tried decaff tea? I am allowing myself one real cup of tea when I get up then no caffeine for the rest of the day.

03-12-11, 10:08
i never gave up :( i have a lovely home-made filtered coffee beside me mmmm

03-12-11, 15:12
I gave up caffeine a looong time ago and now drink decaff coffee, the filter stuff is really nice. Be prepared for withdrawal symptoms to start with though, maybe headaches and even the shakes! Also be aware that there's caffeine in lots of other drinks too, like lucozade. Because I'm now caffeine intolerant, I feel VERY anxious if I have some by mistake x :ohmy:

03-12-11, 21:59
Ive had anxiety for almost a year now and at first I completely cut out caffiene. Before all this I had about 3 Espressos a day and a can of Red Bull. Cutting it all out was hell...did not even have Coca Cola or anything I drank Sprite constantly (caffiene free), and Camomile tea with honey every night before bed to help with sleeping!! Now I am gradually allowing myself some caffiene and it doesnt appear to be having too much of an adverse effect. I am allowing myself 1 tea every morning at work to just boost me awake. I also have Coke if I need a drink of fizzy juice and I won a Tassimo at work so have had a Latte tonight. Trying not to get back to the addict I was before but moderation seems to be working for me xxx

07-12-11, 14:40
Well, I've pretty much kicked caffiene (tea anyway, I don't like coffee or coke), I've been drinking mainly water and peppermint tea. I had one cup of tea yesterday afternoon and it left with with a horrible caffiene headache last night (which one paracetamol fixed).

Just gotta try to kick the nicoteen now, that will be harder!

07-12-11, 14:45
Every Wednesday morning I work with a tea monster and this person also makes me one at the same time, In the space of 4 hours I can have as many as 4/5 cups. I realised the other week that I was feeling particularly anxious when I got home and have tried to cut back although today I was drinking it because I was cold and am now regretting it. Definitely has a connection.

07-12-11, 15:44
I found that I had a tolerance level with caffeine and anxiety. One cup of coffee in the morning and then switching to tea and I was fine. 3 cups of coffee was definitely NOT a good idea :D

08-12-11, 20:11
I'm generally ok in the evening (I had one cup of tea tonight at about 6.30pm), but in the morning there's no chance of even having half a cup, my anxiety is limited to the morning at the moment as a SE of my AD's, but this will lessen over the next few weeks but I think I'll stick to water and peppermint teas for a while.