View Full Version : i've just been used then thrown away!

28-11-11, 16:03
i was a member on another mental health forum, and got talking to a girl slightly older than myself, we met in the lake district in august and just instantly bonded with stories to tell and discuss life in general we went to lake winderemere near Kendal i can remember it being very sunny and we sat on the grass and watched the world go by it was grate :)

Things began to bloom between us and began seeing each other fortnightly which was good considering we lived far apart... she even came to my house and stayed for a week and we just got on so well i cooked for her and everything and took her camping and did loads together, however what i didnt know that all this time we were intimate she had not properly finished with her current boyfriend and i thought she had i thought they were no longer an item ... and to add insult to injury she made a point of posting last night on the forum not this one that she was "snuggling up with her boyfriend"

i went insane after and started attacking the other forum and saying things to her i regret :( i just feel badly let down and hurt and am still quit hurt/shaken and confused

28-11-11, 16:08
Bless you im so sorry to here that thats well out of order:mad:

28-11-11, 16:21
Oh no Scottish lad,
So sorry to hear you have been treated badly :hugs:
Some people are just selfish. It sounds to me like you were the perfect gent :winks:

You're hurt is all, which is understandable.
On the other hand, welcome to NMP x

28-11-11, 16:23
suppose it will just take time.... as they say time is a great healer

i no longer use the other forum i was a member of because she is a member there!

28-11-11, 16:30
They say it because it is true.
She didn't deserve you anyway!

28-11-11, 16:33
^ thanks for the kind words m115 ... hope i feel better soon sometimes feel the whole world is against me

28-11-11, 16:40
You will do, promise.
It's not worth spending valuable time & energy feeling hatred/resentment for these people. Let them go & mess someone elses life up! You're best off out of it.
Concentrate on YOU & get yourself better :hugs:

28-11-11, 17:57
what you do now is post your snuggling up with your girl friend its easy
god bless

Vanilla Sky
28-11-11, 18:05
You have done nothing wrong , its not your fault she wasnt truthfull with you. Let her snuggle up with her so called boyfriend , bet he doesnt know what shes been up to and would you want to be in a relationship with someone like that anyway , you could never trust them to be honest and that is so important in a relationship. So move on with dignity , you will meet some one who deserves you

Welcome to NMP :welcome:

Paige x

28-11-11, 18:08
thanks for you kind words people :)

to add insult to injury i need to tell my parents tonight about her and everything :/

when she stayed at one point she was drinking wine now i dont drink but she had, had loads and was sick over a 800 quid rug and brand new cream carpet my dad had to pay excess on insurance cause of her jeez what an embarrassment she is!

28-11-11, 18:11
If she was cheating on her boyfriend, chances are she would have cheated on you at some point if you have got together ! Its better that it ends now before you made any commitments to her. Personally I would have ended it straight away if she puked on my expensive rug !

28-11-11, 18:13
^ it was a cherry vodka thing she had been drinking it stained the rug an carpet both needed replaced

28-11-11, 18:18
She sounds charming :mad:

01-12-11, 23:17
It's her loss, you seem like a really good guy and she sounds like she has issues :/

It's all part of life's experiences and you will be able to look back on this and it won't hurt anymore, it will become part of your character and make you who you are.

As you said, time is a great healer. (Cliche but true)

01-12-11, 23:32
^ thanks for your kind comment :)

just have to keep busy and try to forget about it all now i suppose just another memory ...

02-12-11, 17:49
it does hurt, my trust in women is very low which is a shame, as I know not all women are the same but its just how I feel at the moment. Just try to move on and hopefully meet someone more genuine.

02-12-11, 18:47
If she was cheating on her boyfriend, chances are she would have cheated on you at some point if you have got together ! Its better that it ends now before you made any commitments to her. Personally I would have ended it straight away if she puked on my expensive rug !


I need to agree with mike here, throwing up on your expensive parents rug and also drinking cherry vokda.

You are well out of it.

Also I do not think that meeting people on a mental health site can be a success, there must have been other motives for her.

Take your time and find someone who you have interests with and not just a difference in mental health.

Im sure you will find someone who will care for you and learn to love you the way that you are.


02-12-11, 18:59
maybe the age difference caused friction she was 30 and i'm 21 so maybe that a dont know? :/