View Full Version : So Annoyed and Tired of being scared all the time!

28-11-11, 16:58
This past month has been a nightmare! First I was absolutely terrified I had pancreatic cancer, then I started feeling numb and was absolutely sure I had MS, and now my legs are giving me problems- twitches and feeling wobbly and I'm absolutely terrified I have a serious neurological condition- it freaks me out to even say the name :(

Some help and reassurance would be greatly appreciated. I hope this is all just a matter of anxiety :( Does anyone else have leg issues? And twitching? I twitch all over my body (eyes, mouth, arm) but my legs freak me out the most!

I'm getting so tired of this! I was doing so well and this month has completely messed up my winning streak!

28-11-11, 17:09

I twitch all the time in random places for no reason quite often by legs it's so weird it used to make me feel sick. It started along with a constant headache so was in a state until I had a MRI and everything was normal and now I still twitch but don't let it bother me, I now have other concerns that are making me a mess :(.

Don't worry about the twitching to much x

28-11-11, 17:29
Hey Janine,
I could have written your post. I twitch all over - eyelids, torso, legs etc. I also have what I call 'jelly legs' which is when they feel really weak. I have pain in them too, tight calfs & hamstrings and the other day part of my foot and my little toes went numb. My fear is MS too.
As well as the above symptoms I also have a tremor in my hands, extreme fatigue, dibilitating headaches, eye pain, words coming out wrong, poor memory, dizziness....I could go on & on!!

I've been to see my GP and he just says it's anxiety, I don't think so but then I'm not going to am I!! Just wanted to let you know you are definately not alone.

K xxxx

29-11-11, 03:42
Thanks guys, it's always good to hear- and I feel like I've written this post before, too! It really sucks, doesn't it? I mean, we're all so obsessed with being ill when really it's our obsession that is our illness. It's easy to forget the physical symptoms that come alongside anxiety- especially the really freaky ones. I hope we all feel better soon and continue to think positive thoughts. x

29-11-11, 08:12
Could be iron deficiency anaemia, please check my latest post xxx

05-12-11, 10:57
Whatever it is, I simply cannot deal. Went to the doc the other day and of course I felt fine that day, no symptoms at all. I told her my anxiety was really bad though and she wants to put me back on med. Just woke up now feeling numb-ish and tingly on my left side. I am so, so, so scared right now. Please help me!