View Full Version : Trust problem more than anxiety?

28-11-11, 19:47
I really cant deal with these feelings no more im sure everyone hates me and just puts up with me cos they feel sorry for me.I find it so hard to trust people i think the worst case in everything in my life i know i sound like really weird but im sure this is not anxiety as my moods are really up one minute the completly down the next i actually dont wish to live very much longer if i have to stay like this 4ever.Im really worried this is bi polar or something worse maybe and im scared cos ive got my son to think of my doctors dont think i have anything like that but sometimes i wake up to a big crack noise in my head.Please do any of you think this is more than anxiety? i really need your honest opinions :weep:

28-11-11, 21:26
I really cant deal with these feelings no more im sure everyone hates me and just puts up with me cos they feel sorry for me.I find it so hard to trust people i think the worst case in everything in my life i know i sound like really weird but im sure this is not anxiety as my moods are really up one minute the completly down the next i actually dont wish to live very much longer if i have to stay like this 4ever.Im really worried this is bi polar or something worse maybe and im scared cos ive got my son to think of my doctors dont think i have anything like that but sometimes i wake up to a big crack noise in my head.Please do any of you think this is more than anxiety? i really need your honest opinions :weep:

I'm not medically qualified so I can't comment on what your doctors have told you.

But believe me, I've also felt like that in the past (unpleasant sensations in my head, everyone hates or laughs at me, wishing my life would be over soon etc.).

Thing is, it doesn't last forever, it only seems like it's going to. There IS light at the end of the tunnel.

I'd just like to say the following;

There IS help available, no matter how dark things look for you right now.

There are people who care, including right here on NMP.


Graham .

28-11-11, 21:31
I agree totally, if you have problems of any kind you must tell people and they can then help you :hugs:

Don't keep things to yourself.

28-11-11, 21:42
Thankyou so much both of you i feel in such a dark place at the moment :hugs: