View Full Version : GINGER

01-06-06, 08:02
Last week i purchased some crystalised ginger for my tummy pains,
Ive been eating a tiny bit each day and have found my dizzy spells have calmed right down, this made me look it up on the net and ive read its good for motion sickness and vertigo.

Im hoping it continues, has anyone else had good results with ginger ?


01-06-06, 08:11
It was good for my nausea and I have used it whne my vertigo was bad in the past.


'This too will pass'

01-06-06, 12:18
Ooh interesting Mirry - will have to try that sometime.

Piglet x

01-06-06, 23:51
I drink lemon and ginger tea, usually make it quite strong too. Don't know if it's had a particular effect but its nice :)

* * *
It's just my high anxiety getting to the best of me. I call him Bingbongilypoop. Then I can laugh at him cos he has a funny name. HAHA! [points]

02-06-06, 00:36
Hi mirry,
Ill have to give some ginger a try for my dizziness,it did help a great deal when i had morning sickness,stopped the nausea!
Take care xx