View Full Version : Scared to start medication...

28-11-11, 23:33
Hey guys, just after a bit of advice really..
I've been having panic attacks for over 5 years now and I am 21 and started university in September. I have fought these for so long and try not to let them beat me but I am sick of constantly fighting them, I want to enjoy myself... I don't want to sit through a 2 hour lecture worrying about where to go or how to escape if I feel like I'm going to have a panic attack..
So I'm going to go the doctors on Friday and see if they can put me on citalopram..
Is anybody on Citalopram and do they work for anxiety attacks?
I was prescribed sertraline a few weeks ago but never went on them because I hadn't heard of them before..

Would love some advice please, I'm worrying so much about it..

Gemma x

28-11-11, 23:38
I'm due to start sertraline, they are apparently good for anxiety. Others may be more knowledgeable though :)

28-11-11, 23:41
Good luck with them! I tend to read up online and see all the side effects and then I really get worried... but I know half the time you don't get the side effects it says and all medication has them. I over think things far too much x

28-11-11, 23:46
I'm the same, all the SSRIs seem to have similar side effects though :( Doesnt give us much choice does it :)

29-11-11, 00:10
True, but I'm sure all those side effects are going to be worth it in the end.. I am going to go the doctors Friday and dicuss which would work best for me. I already have the prescription for the sertraline so I will just wait and see :)

29-11-11, 07:38
Hi Gem

Ive always been so scared for many years to try meds, but this time i thought i feel rubbish anyway so if i get side effects i might as well try them and they may help me in the long run ive been on fluxotine (dont know how you spell it lol) which i found out is prozac that sh*t me up knowing that but ive stuck with it for 8 days so far, i think i can notice little changes in me at the moment, i would have a good hard think about it as i think depending on your circumstances that meds can offer you that support you need to get better along with talking therapy good luck xx

29-11-11, 17:11
Hi kirgray, I'm definitely going to give them a go because like you said I feel rubbish anyway.. I'm constantly battling them so I'm sure a few weeks of side effects will be okay compared to 6 years I've had to put up with them..
I tried counselling at college 2 years ago and it made me feel so much better so I stopped it again but at this point in my life I have no time for it so I think the meds would work much better :) thanks for your reply xx

29-11-11, 18:00
If your Dr. wanted you on Citalopram he would have prescribed it. Citalopram (although always different from person to person) has some awful side effects! It's certainly a drug you have to go through the bad times to come out of the other side. I'm speaking from experience.

Your Dr. wouldn't have prescribed you Sertraline if he didn't think it would do you any good.

M. x

29-11-11, 18:34
Hiya mallan, I have booked an appointment with another doctor this time just for a second opinion because the doctor I went to see a few weeks ago was rushing me and didn't seem to be listening :( He always trails off to ask what I am studying at uni, am I going on holiday this year etc.. so I have made sure to get an appointment with my favourite Dr. who has always been good with me :) and I am going to see what he suggests but if he agrees I will definitely give the sertraline a go and see what happens :)


30-11-11, 14:10
Hi Gem
Let me know how you get on, im starting counselling in a couple of weeks see how it goes good luck hun xx:)