View Full Version : councellor

29-11-11, 11:26
Ive been back to my doctors haveing to see councellor wellbeing person next week at my doctors.I am pleased they are seeing me quickly but now worried it could be serious as it so quick.If the worst what i think ive got will they hospitalize me? Has anyone else been seen this quicky? they also told me to start setraline and see how i get on im worried about the side effects its a long list .My hands are shaking im so worried today i hope all will be ok.:weep:

29-11-11, 11:46
Hi Fluff, yes i was seen quickly too, just depends on how busy the mental health team are, but it is good you are being seen soon, as you can start your treatment straight away, don't worry about being hospitalized, you won't be, but everything feels so bad when you are so anxious,i;m sure you will find it helpfull, good luck x

29-11-11, 11:52
Thankyou pinkdove
I just fearing something more serious than anxiety and worried because of my son i love him very much i hope hes happy with me:weep: I dont want him to grow up and be ashamed of me :weep: Are you on any meds i was frightened of the side effects incase they dont work for me id hate to go even more crazy thban what i am now

29-11-11, 12:10
yes fluff i take citalopram and they have really helped me, but us takes time, i'm sure you are a great mum, and your son will be very happy, they don't notice the way we are feeling, and you sound to me as if you have your priorites right, don't be too scared of the side effects, not everyone gets the, you may be one of the lucky one's. take care x

29-11-11, 12:23
Thankyou pinkdove
Have you ever looked in the mirror and thought who am i?:weep: Sorry if that sounds weird its just whats been happening to me lately like ive lost me

29-11-11, 13:02
yes when i was at my worst, i think what you are feeling is so typical of your anxiety, and you will get there, it is very early days, be patient, an don't worry, you are the same as many of us here, are or have been, but there are a lot of us who have got better, and you will too x

29-11-11, 15:27
Thankyou pinkdove it not nice feeling alone least you understand x