View Full Version : starting a new job

01-06-06, 10:23
Hey everyone, hope ur well. i start a new job on Monday and im getting quite nervous, u know the morning feeling of feeling helpless and weak, lightheaded a feeling of unreality? well thats my feeling and im very scared bout that, and fainting on the job etc i just hope i do well and this is all my imagination, im starting to have those thoughts again of im ill and not an anxiety sufferer xx

01-06-06, 10:35
You'll be ok mate. I'm sending out my most positive thoughts to you.

Good luck

Shiv x

01-06-06, 10:42
these are just naturel feelings of nerves.
You will be fine.

Big Hug

Hay x

01-06-06, 14:40
Good luck with the new job - what is it?
Everything will be fine.
Love Helen

marie ross
01-06-06, 16:23

I'm sure you will be fine, it's natural to feel scared and nervous before you start a new job. Give it a few days and you'll love it.

Take care.

Marie XXX

01-06-06, 16:24
Well done on getting your new job. Its natural to feel nervous anyway so just go with it and I'm sure it'll be fine
Take care


'This too will pass'

01-06-06, 18:27
Hi there, how exciting for you, and of course, scarey!! You will be absolutely fine, make sure you eat a good breakfast before work, think positive and enjoy, you will not faint, you have felt like this before and managed ok. good luck and let us know how you get on. xx