View Full Version : Can they detect anything seriously wrong from blood test?

29-11-11, 11:31
I had all my bloods done last week, full blood count, diabetes, kidney, liver, throid, cholestral, bone all came back normal , plus blood presure was 128/76. Junt wondering if there was anything seriously wrong with me would it have been picked up. ATM I've been getting ache on and off under rib on left side ( Think it might be muscle strain) doesn't wake me up and I don't have it on waking , just as I go throughout the day seems to get better with resting. Off balance feeling which started really badly in august but has got better over the weeks, seems to be worse the less sleep and more stressed I am. I do wear hearing aids and suffer infections alot ! Nausea every now and again. Could the off balance and nausea just my anxiety?

Thanks in advance for anyones help xxx

29-11-11, 11:41
Hi pauline, yes it is probably your anxiety, you have had all the relevent tests, all came back normal, and they would have picked up anything serious, it sounds as if your pain is muscular, as it gets better on rest, try to have confindence in your gp, and the test results, hard i know , but i would be happy because all the tests were good, hope this helps x

29-11-11, 11:46
In a word, yes, it would show in the tests Pauline.

Your full blood count would be abnormal for starters.

There are more specific and extensive tests that would offer a definite in terms of serious illnesses such as cancer which I am guessing you are concerned about, but your basic blood results would be askew.

My guess would be that your symptoms are anxiety driven. Pain under your left side sounds very much like acid reflux. I have had the same and it is very painful. It is hard to rationalise that it can be something as basic as acid/heartburn, but it really can. My sister also had this very recently, for ages, and was diagnosed with severe heartburn or the 'beginnings' of a small ulcer. She was given a course of lansoprazole which knocked it on the head.

Anxiety is an amazing and strangely debilitating thing in terms of physical problems. If you are able to address your stress/anxiety you will see some improvement in the physical stuff, I promise.

Take care and hope this helps.xxx:hugs:

29-11-11, 11:58
Thanks very much to both of you for your reasurrance. Its hard sometimes with health anxiety as am always looking for symptoms and when I don't have any I worry too lol . Its like a visious circle. I have however made an effort to try and overcome this once and for all, at least for the sake of my kids as my youngest who is only 5 is showing signs of OCD and hes such a big worrier over things and am so worried that my anxiety is rubbing off on him :(.

Thanks again xxx

29-11-11, 12:47
You have had what Drs call an mot of bloods just like you would do to a car:) that would point to the need for more tests. for example if you were anaemic then the bloods can show what type of anaemia and if its one that needs further investigations etc.

My neighbour had acute leukemia and this was picked up on a simple full blood count, they did not say you have leukemai but they said your bloods are seriously wrong and next day he was at the hospital having bone marrow tests etc so a normal full blood count is a great mot