View Full Version : Cant believe I am back here

29-11-11, 14:35
Hi all,
Well its been a few months since I was last on here.
Being 6 months pregnant and stressing so much at beggining of pregnancy after bad pregnancy last year I was suffering with such bad anxiety my doctor put me on sertraline.
I found it was helping and so didnt feel the need to come on here.
But over the past week I have been getting squeezing sensation in my chest again and worrying I am going to have a heart attack.
I am so bloody scared its starting to get me down again.
I dont want to go to my doctors as I want to be able to deal with it but I am finding it harder everyday.
So I thouhgt I would come on here and get some reassurance frrom you lovely people.
I keep trying to tell myself its just my hormones but you know how it is when the anxiety takes over and all normal thoughts go out of your head.
I am scared I am going to die and my little boy will be without his mum and The baby inside me will die to.
I bloody hate this feeling
Someone please respond xxx

29-11-11, 16:05
hey, you have done the right thing coming back to this site, you really know it's your anxiety, and hormones, but you are probably just having a bit of a blip, and it will pass, you have so much to look forward to, and nothing seems rational for us when we feel like this, but you have overcome it before, and you will again, however if it persists, there is no shame in talking to your gp, don't continue to suffer, all the very best to you x