View Full Version : Head Pressure and constant panic

29-11-11, 21:32
Hi everyone. For about a year and a half now I've been suffering with severe anxiety. I often have episodes where it becomes hard to breathe (because I'm focusing on my breathing) and am constantly observing my skin to see if I'm too pale or if it's going yellow etc.

I had a lot of problems at first with my heart having palpitations and beating too quickly but an ECG showed me they were just anxiety related. I do realise I have very strong anxiety which I think I can deal with on my own but there is one overwhelming symptom which is making my life impossible to live comfortably and I'm not sure if it's anxiety.

I have a sort of constant head pressure, and have had since my panic attacks started a year and a half ago. It never goes away, it just gets better. it's all around my head so I doubt it could be a tumour or anything like that, but it's really bogging me down more than ever now. Sometimes I won't notice it and then I think about it and it's there as ever. It occasionally seems to go away but it's very, very persistent. It's also worth noting that sometimes it doesn't even feel like a pressure, sometimes it's more like something crawling about in my head in a way, just a very nagging feeling. My doctor did look at my eyes when I last went and said that I didn't have a tumour, but is it even possible to tell from glancing at my eyes with a torch?

Another thing that worries me is the fact that I started drinking alcohol to cope with it and it's now a habit. I'll often drink 6 cans of Fosters a night just because it helps me forget about things a bit. I realise this is too much and is probably making it worse so I'm not drinking on weekdays anymore starting today.

I'm just getting really depressed and stressed and it's effecting my relationship, working life and social life so I really need help. Please help me!!!

29-11-11, 22:08
sorry to hear you are feeling so bad, anxiety and stress are so delibatating, are you taking any meds ? or had any therapy, if not you should ask your gp, you are right the alcohol will make things worse, but i have used a couple of glasses of wine in the past, i think we look for anything that might give us some relief, you are not alone, have you read through the forums, it can be very helpfull, you will get through this, it takes time and help, don't continue to suffer, talk to someone and get help. you deserve it take care x

29-11-11, 22:27
Hi, I've had head pressure on and off for a few years now. If you look at my posting history you can see that the very first thread I made on here was about this, and like you I also get palpitations and have posted about them too.
I was told by people on here and a couple of others ive asked about it that the pressure is prob due to neck tension having an effect on my head and tensing it up. I've had to just accept that its not serious and since that...its pretty much gone.

Please try not to worry, it is weird and horrible but it cant hurt you.

Fly away Katie
30-11-11, 00:13
I can't quite believe you just posted this.


It never totally subsides, it's always there but it gets slightely better when you dont focus on it.

What a relief to know we both have it! xxx