View Full Version : sooooo tired

30-11-11, 11:40
I am soooo tired all the time i can never get a good night sleep up for hours.Then when i do sleep ive been waking every hour with all crazy thoughts like my brain never shuts down.Does anyone else suffering like this? or any ideas how to get a good night sleep? or do i just have to put up with this as another rubbish anxiety symptom:weep:

30-11-11, 11:51
I was awake again all last night as well, i couldn't get to sleep for palpitations and when i did nod off i was dreaming about zombies trying to get in a building i was in and i had to board all the windows up. We don't get a rest even when we do drop off for a few minutes. I am absolutely shattered today,headache,dizzy etc. I know how you feel i really do, looking at the clock all night, tossing and turning. I think your supposed to get up when you cant sleep and have a drink or something but i know that's the least i want to do in the middle of the night. I even listen to relaxation music and i am still wide awake.

30-11-11, 12:05
fluff ii was excactly the same when i first became ill, and it was litterally a nightmare, and without proper sleep you just can't function properly, and yes my mind was racing constantly too, the best thing to do if it continues and you have tried relaxation, soft music etc, is speak to your gp, and get help, i had too, and now can sleep for england, and can cope much better with my anxiety. hope this helps x

30-11-11, 13:05
Thanks ive tried alot of things just started meds today hopefully that will help im a very tired mummy.

30-11-11, 13:34
fluff, you have taken a big step starting meds, and i really hope you start to feel better soon x

01-12-11, 08:06
Wow i actually slept last night maybe meds helping already feel like me abit more today:D

01-12-11, 09:56
I sometimes wake early and find it hard to get back to sleep. The more you look at the clock the harder it is to fall back alseep. I listen to outside noises which can help.