View Full Version : Medication fear

30-11-11, 12:05

I'm having a bout of gastritis which hurts like hell. I've been prescribed various medications (domperidone and others) but I'm terrified of taking them.

I have recently had very bad reactions to two commonly used types of medication.. one made me have a fit and the other a bit of a psychosis. I'm now VERY cautious of taking medication. I want to feel better.. but the dr has said he can not guarantee that I won't react to the meds.

anyone else have similar fears? I've been told that my reactions are extremely rare - which doesn't help at all - I now think "if its gonna happen, it'll happen to me!" and other such negative thinking.

have an endoscopy booked for early January.. which seems too far off - how can I manage the pain and discomfort?

Many thanks

Jess xxx

30-11-11, 13:10
Hi jess luv.. i too have a phobia of taking different medications, its a fear of the unknown.. u start to think that all sorts could happen to you once u have taken it.. but if u have gastritus u should probably take it hun, do u live with family? Or maybe a husband/partner? Best idea would be to take the first tablet while u are around someone, that way if anything did happen, u would be in safe hands, i know its scary cause of ur episodes with other medications but remember that its not going to happen everytime u take pills...
Hold your head up hun, think bout something else and get that pill down ur neck and relax.. keep the phone by the side of u if needed.. sit nd talk to a friend.. once u get past that first tablet, u will no longer be afaid of these ones xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx