View Full Version : feeling down again.

30-11-11, 13:06
I am trying to make myself believe i have anxiety and ibs but i just feel so ill. I took an imodium yesterday and it did stop the diarrhea and i didnt feel as nauseas and i ate more and i was positive. I went to bed and i couldnt sleep for palpatations and i tossed and turned all night and the little seep i had i was dreaming about zombies etc. I have woke up this morning and all around my ear and side of my face feels numb and strange,sore spot at base of skull that hurts when i move,sore/stiff hips,nausea,crying,bloated,angry, no appetite and pains in my left behind my ribs. I am so trying to keep it together because the kids are off because of the teachers strike and we have been putting the decorations up but i feel so ill and sick. Had my bloods done fbc,thyroid,glucose,hormones and etc and all ok and i am getting a pelvic scan on friday because i googled and convinced myself i had ovarian cancer, even though i had the doc give me an internal to feel my ovaries and all felt normal. she sending me for reassurance. I am sick of the constant "what if i have got a serious illness and its not anxiety and ibs" type of questions going on in my head,its a constant battle between rational and irrational. I am wore out through the day and then can't sleep at night.
I feel like a crap mam and partner and just want to be ok.
Sorry for the rant and moan x

30-11-11, 13:42
:hugs: this is all classic anxiety hun and i think deep down u know this but its a hard thing for us all to except especialy when we feel so physically ill, i think we all crave and search for some medical explanation or reason cause of how ill we actually feel but reality is that there is nothing medically wrong its our anxiety causing all the symptoms which r there and v real to us :hugs: x x

30-11-11, 13:48
I've just posted the same concerns Hun - what if it isn't anxiety, what if I'm really ill, etc. :(

I really feel for you. I don't have much advice I'm afraid as I'm new to all this, I just hope you feel better soon. I'm sure you're fine - my friend suffers with IBS and this all sounds similar to her symptoms.

Feel better soon. ;)

30-11-11, 14:00
Thanks for the replies. I am just sick of it all, i have had health anxiety before but not as bad as this and different symptoms that's why i keep thinking the "what ifs" all the time.