View Full Version : Mirtazapine + Citalopram - any advice appreciated

30-11-11, 13:57
I eventually saw my GP this morning and she agreed to start me back on mirtz again with Citalopram added in. When I previously took mirtz in the summer it didn't really do much for me in the way of relieving my anxiety, thus the add on medication. When I tried citalopram alone several years ago, I couldn't tolerate it due to the insomnia side effect... but this shouldn't be an issue now as the mirtz has a strong sedative effect.

She said I could start taking the mirtz for a week or two and then add in a small dose (2.5mg - 5mg) of citalopram initially or I can start taking the two together. My instinct is to start the mirtz first as it has the least side effects and then add in the cit. I was wondering what you guys thought - should I start this way or should I just go for the double whammy straight away?

Belle x

01-12-11, 10:26
Decided to just go with the mirt for a week or two and then add in the cit.
I had about 9 hours sleep last night which was much needed. I was beginning to feel really run down physically, getting flu like symptoms from my anxiety.

Belle x

05-12-11, 16:33
What dosage of Mirtazepine and Citalopram can be given together? I'm currently on 30mg Citalopram but am also suffering terrible insomnia.

05-12-11, 17:19
Hi Catya - If you have a look at other people's posts you'll see that the dosage varies from person to person. But anything from 7.5mg upwards should work for sleep alone. I actually even halved that last night to 3.25mg and it still worked! I'll add in the citalopram when I get some courage :ohmy:

Belle x

08-01-12, 01:19
I didn't realise you could combine medications like this. How did you get on in the end?