View Full Version : Even more worried now please help

30-11-11, 14:17
So yesterday I posted that I was worried about my Mum, a few weeks ago she had partial blindness in part of her eye, it lasted 20 minutes and she had no other symptoms other then a slight eye ache. She had eye tests done and all was clear other then being in the low to medium risk of glaucoma. The doctor put the eye blindness down to migraine even tho there was no headache. The doctor ordered blood tests and it came back my Mum has high cholesterol 7.5, she has an appointment with the doctor next week about this. I am convinced that this and also the eye blindness indicates that her vision loss was actually a TIA a warning stroke of a worse one to come. She smokes as well, I am really scared.

Today my mum had a answer machine message from the doctors asking her to ring them back they said not to worry but she needed to ring them back, she tried calling but they are shut now till tomorrow. I am even more worried now as what could they be ringing for? She had 3 different bloods done last week would all have the results come back together with the cholesterol one or would they come back at different times and they are phoning to say something else is wrong? She is going next week to see the doctor so if it was nothing to worry about why wouldnt they just wait till then???

30-11-11, 16:40
Firsty just because her cholesterol is 7.2 means nothing as its the ratio of good to bad fats that matters so as long as her ratio is below 5% it is fine plus they also do a computer risk assessment and as long as her risk is below 10-15% she won't be given statins either. So many people do not know about the ratio and assessment so you can have high total cholesterol but as long as you have high good fats your fine no problem.

Blood tests do not always come back all at the same time they arrive electronically at the Drs surgery as they are done which can be over af ew days depending on the tests - thyroid and esr take longer than full blood count etc.

I completely understand why you are worrying but its just as likely that her symptoms were from a silent migraine as anything else. I have had them a few times over my life and I only get visual symptoms lasting about 5 mins, of vision breaking up from one side of eye to another but no headache or anything else.

30-11-11, 17:40
Thank you

I do know her cholesterol levels her total was 7.5 her hdl was 2.6 and ldl 4.4 if anyone can help me know how bad this is I would be greatful I know hdl is good cholesterol and ldl bad cholesterol

30-11-11, 22:03
To get the ratio you divide the total cholesterol by the hdl reading and if your figures are correct the ratio is 1.9% which is so good as to make me wonder if your figures are correct???

01-12-11, 04:22
Oh no well the receptionist told me this when rang, does that sound wrong to you? Is it possible to have high cholesterol but a good reading? Or maybe I heard wrong and that was the tricygladid number or however it's called she only gave me two figures as the break down of the total