View Full Version : My story of life

30-11-11, 17:28
Before to share my story I d tell you all that my english is not my first language. Hope I can express myself in the best way and you can understand me.

Ok, I am a guy from Kosovo a student of political science in the last year. For the moment living in Italy. I was anxiety disorder sufferer. Down you can find my story about my disease.

I am a son of a teacher who before to born his father dead, when he was 7 his mother dead too. He had to live to his cousin and they treated him in the worest way. He had not food to eat, worse, he told to me they didnt let him to drink also milk as a child. He grow up in this way but was too interested to go in school and to finish his studies. All the time he lived with anxiety disorder but he never gave up but countinued going school and doing all the things as the majority of people. He never went to the doctor because he didnt know what he had, and in Kosovo you can imagine what situation is now and let not speak about the past. He did 20 km for a day to go at school and 20 to be back (midle school) after in university with very few money and with anxiety. Finally he finished his studies and started to work as a teacher of math. Before to finish his studies he went to work in Slovenia for months but couldnt stay there all the time because of anxiety, you know to move to another place is not easy. And after in 99' was the war in Kosovo. Me and my family moved in a lot of different places without eat, drink and what was worse serbs killed my sister in the presence of 5 members of my family!!! My father knew it later and was pretty bad althought I never sow him crying!!!!
As a teacher he took very few money beacuase of the serbian regym that they didnt want to let as to develop and to give money, but my father countinued to work also in priate houses just to teach students.

Not to write something loooongg (because I have a lot of things to tell but I dont want to become a boring topic ) all the people say to me: you are like your father, you have this like your father, you act like your father. And to be honest I was pretty happy because I love him so much and I feel bad for his past. Anyway in 2009 I diagnosed with anxiety disorder and was really the worst periode of my life. My father never told me about his situation he dealt sometimes, and to be honest he didnt know he has anxiety disorder, but speaking with each other and telling the same fear and experience he said I am the same as you since a child. After my diagnose I was bad and was not ready to go at univeristy, doing my daily day as before, not being ready to go to play football, being ready for nothing. I started to take citalopram with different dosages and started to feel really good, I was so happy but happier after 1 year when I stopped with citalopram forever and coming back at normality again. I lived for 2 years in peace, I forgot what was anxiety, of couse sometimes dealing with it but not euforic as before. I had my gf and doing a normal life. In generall I was happy so much with everything until I moved to another country here in italy , married, new culture, new langauge, everything new for me as I have never had before in my life. I felt my anxiety back and I have been using Paroxetine and doing great again. Just very few months and I will get off my anxiety.

Maybe someone would say he is crazy or stupid, but I am happy for that I had an experience with GAD! Now I know the value of the life, now I know to appricate people more, my family and all. I am doing great now and very very happy.

I just wanted to say to you all: YOU ARE NOT ALONE! There are a lot of people who sufferes as you and believe me there is always a light in the tunnel, things change with time and you will get better.

None has suffered as my father but he never gave up, never!!!! I am happy and proud of him.
Just wanted to share my story with you. To say to you I love you so much and be sure you will get better day after day. Learn for gad (or another disorder you have) how much you can, cut nicotine coffeine, buy the way after 8 years smoking I stopped because it harms the body. Eat healthy, take vitamine B, run, go in gym and do something fisically too. As the life is possible to live , possible to live good is too. Believe and you will get better.

PS: One day hope to visit GB, I love so much people, culture and the language. I am Chelsea fan and one day I will be present on of their game.
PSS: Sorry for my english, hope you could understand all. Love you all.


30-11-11, 17:39
You are so brave to tell your story and its very inspirational. Makes me put things into perspective that I've got so much to be thankful for.

Thank you for sharing your story xxx

30-11-11, 20:40
No problem. We are here to learn from each other and to help each other.
I just would like to say there is not cure of anxiety for a day, you must work hard and to be strong. Don't believe to Linden method and such. They want just your money to sell their cd-s. Love yourself because the recovery is inside your body, to your heart and intelligence.

I was down but I'm up now and happy. I wanted to be healthy, I work hard and I'm happy.


blue moon
30-11-11, 23:18
Hi ZC:DEnglish is now my first language,I learnt english when still in Iran,I do not usenative tongue as often now.I enjoy reading your post and look forward to updates.
Love Petra xx