View Full Version : Hormone Levels

01-06-06, 15:10
This might sound a bit stupid (cos of anxiety and high adrenaline levels) but does anyone else feel as if they have an overload of adrenaline/hormones in their body and thats whats making you feel ill? Its almost as if I can feel it all in my blood!

Does anyone else get this and know of any way to calm it down? Also does anyone else have their eyes feeling strange? (a bit starey and not quite focused?)

01-06-06, 16:21
Hi, and welcome. Please read the info on anxiety and what it can do to your body, when you panic you go into fight or flight mode and it releases all the adreneline etc into your body, when you calm down or use up the adreneline it should calm dowm but with constant anxiety/panic your body releases more and more and does not get time to calm down, its a bit of a vicious circle. Claire Weeks bok Self Help for your nerves explains it well and suggests ways of dealing with it. Deep breathing, aromatherapy, massage, relaxation etc. are brilliant to help.
Take care


'This too will pass'

Two heads
01-06-06, 20:07
yep can defo relate to this!I spoke to my doc and she thinks its hormone related with me.I find going for a long walk helps use some of that adrenaline.xxx

01-06-06, 20:12
yes been there still have it , that prickly all over feeling has a medical name - formication.
As in FORMIC ACID like an ant sting!
So I have great delight in telling people that I am formicating - the number of times they miss hear!!![8)]

there's a place that I dream of when I sleep, so peaceful, so quite, I call it mother earth.

01-06-06, 20:13
does it feel like you want to jump out of your skin?

thats how I Feel lately.

04-06-06, 11:28
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">This might sound a bit stupid (cos of anxiety and high adrenaline levels) but does anyone else feel as if they have an overload of adrenaline/hormones in their body and thats whats making you feel ill? Its almost as if I can feel it all in my blood!

Does anyone else get this and know of any way to calm it down? Also does anyone else have their eyes feeling strange? (a bit starey and not quite focused?)

<div align="right">Originally posted by LC05 - 01 June 2006 : 16:10:10</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">yes i do i always say it feels like my hormons and adrenline is pooring out all over ionto my body and sffred so long now i hate to think how much adrenline i have in me been thios way since the age of 12 and now 50 so you can imagine how i think all the time trish1955

04-06-06, 20:02
No, its not really a prickly feeling, or a 'jump out of the skin' feeling, its more like Daisy described - as if when i start to worry my body produces too much adrenalin and cant get rid of it - so it feels as if i can feel it running through my veins (although i probally cant!). When i get really stressed about something, i dont feel better for the rest of the day cos my body can't get rid of all the adrenalin.

04-06-06, 22:39
Yes thats exactly what it is. Stress causes adrenaline to build up, adrenaline has nowhere to go so causes you uncomfortable symptoms, so you know what anxieties worst enemy is? Exercise. When that adrenaline starts pumping, do something to get rid of it, stress needs adrenaline, if you get rid of it through exercise mr anxiety gets the hump cuz its not being fed and buggers off lol well thats the theory anyway???? [:P]