View Full Version : Health anxiety developing into something much much worse..

30-11-11, 18:40
Hi everyone,

As you probably have realised i havnt been posting alot lately, as i havnt felt the need to. Ive been feeling alot more relaxed and happier actually with everything. Just a few days ago it went way down hill though.. Ive been getting terrible pains in my stomach which get increased when i eat, i know the doctor wont do tests or examine me, so whats the point in going? Now they have anxiety on my records they will never belive me.. therefore i am alone. I know this could just be anxiety, but i havnt suffered in so long and suddenly this severe pain comes on, its not indegestion as i suffer from that but its not that, i eat and i still get acid telling me to eat more.

What i am also worried about is that my health anxiety is not just health anxiety now.. It's turned into Health, social, OCD and Extreme phobias.. I have developed a phobia of eating meats, food cooked by anyone else, alot of free range stuff (like eggs), i wont eat fish, fruit, fruit juices, Takeaways, currys, bolognese and the list goes on.... I wont drink drinks someone else has made me. Its getting to the point where i get constapated and clogged up and i feel extremely weak, i have a highly energetic job where i have to use alot of my energy, but i dont have breakfast either.. Sometimes i forget my food and go the whole day without a drink or anything to eat to.... Im so paranoid of everything, i can't live normally anymore as im scared of literally.... everything! I have to touch things a number of times otherwise ill die, and i have to make sure my hands are clean. I have visions and pictures in my head of falling over and splitting my head open and dying of a bleed to the brain. I find it hard to go out in public, i get nervous my eyes begin to burn and get itchy so i have to keep blinking and people think im a weirdo. I have developed extreme phobias of spiders (i know alot of people are scared of them) but they get me into full blown panic attacks where i scream and cry. There is just not much i cant do anymore, this is destroying my life. Doctors won't listen anymore, family won't listen, ive got nobody.. just my stupid little self.. :( sorry for it being so long x

---------- Post added at 18:40 ---------- Previous post was at 18:29 ----------

I know your all probably sick of me, but this is the only place i can resort to now :( Also i noticed that I feel myself gagging all the time! And i get really guilty about everything that i cry :(

30-11-11, 18:52

I'm really new here but I just wanted to post so you didn't think your were being ignored! ;)

I feel for you... It sounds to me like the extreme eating habits you've got are leading to the stomach pains, seems logical from what you've said.

Have you been referred for counselling or anything like that?

If you have genuine concerns then get to the GP, insist on seeing one you haven't seen before - or one that you haven't seen much and explain what's going on.

I'm sorry I'm not much help - I hope you can get some relief xxx:hugs:

30-11-11, 19:03
Thankyou for your reply,

I am getting councelling at the moment but its not helping at all, i know you have to go into it with an open mind and want help, thats exactly what im doing but its still not working. Nothing has changed and now they are talking about finishing it with me. :(

I guess i could see the doctor, but i know they wont do anything about it, its probably pointless, they will probably just give me more rinitidine or something which didnt help in the first place.

I hope i can finally be happy :(
thankyou xx

30-11-11, 19:10
Hello duke,

I am sorry to hear you are suffering so badly with your anxiety. I really do think you should go back to your doctor, and explain exactly how you are feeling, because I do think there is every chance they will listen to you, and try to help you to bring your anxiety under control. If you feel your doctor isn't listening to you then make an apoointment so see another. I know how isolating anxiety can be, especially when you feel it isn't understood, but please realise there are plenty of people here who do understand, and you certainly are not alone.

Obviously, it is important you manage to eat properly, and I hope you will make a list of the food which you feel you are able to cope with, and make sure you eat and drink enough during the day; even if it is only little and often. Once you establish a routine, i think you may begin to feel a little more confident about your intake, and will slowly add to your list of food which you feel you can tolerate.

Please do make an appointment to see your doctor, at least then you know you have taken a positive step forward in trying to tackle this problem, and remember there are treatments which can really help with anxiety, so please don't feel there is nothing that can be done. xx

30-11-11, 19:26
Two things you need to do, one is go back to your doctor and tell them what you are going through, different meds work for different people, so you need to try something else and see how this works. Counselling is very useful, but normally in conjunction with meds which give you a bit of space to be able to get the most from the counselling.

You also need to improve your diet, and make sure you drink plenty of water each day, these do make a big difference to your general feeling of wellbeing.

30-11-11, 21:23
I know what you mean Duke. 18 months ago I had a bout of indigestion and began wondering which food had caused it.. From thereon I developed a food anxiety and was eating only half the calories I did before causing weight loss which further fueled my anxiety.I pushed for allergy/intolerance testing.
I was found to have wheat and lactose intolerance..so afterwards chose foods very low in those things.
I also found Gp too dismissive re anxiety.I refused medication as a personal choice . I decided to find my own counsellor and she helped to halve the anxiety.
You have every right to be listened to and helped by your GP so try to go back and explain how upsetting it all is for you.

Gemma T
01-12-11, 00:53
I found my health anx led to ocd. Excesively cleaned my hands and also developed a phobia of extreme allergic reactions. Which all really lead back to one thing. A threat to my health x x x