View Full Version : CT Scan with contrast on Friday.

30-11-11, 19:45
Just wondering what is it like when the inject the contrast as i am a little worried...

Also worried incase they find out the leison on my liver is something bad but then surely if they thought it was bad from when they seen it on the urogram then i would have been rushed to have another CT not 8 week's later?

Anywho just after some advice :)

01-12-11, 07:35
hi i had a ct scan last year the injecting the dye in is fine it just feet a little hot and like your gonna wet yourself but it isnt painful or anything, and like you say im sure they wouldnt wait 8 weeks if thought was something bad good luck let us know how it goes

01-12-11, 09:05
It just feels weird but not painful!

01-12-11, 18:12
Yes it just feels like a heat surge, nothing that unpleasent but an odd sensation.

02-12-11, 08:35
About to set off and get it done, hopefully it goes as simple as you guys have explained.

02-12-11, 08:44
good luck hun, they explain what you will feel like and will talk to u in there its mad really i thought i wet myself and had a gush in my mouth but there was no water lol, wish u all the best and keep calm xxxx

02-12-11, 09:57
Same here, I felt like I was gonna wet myself after they injected the serum. I also felt very cold after the procedure, it could been my anxiety...

02-12-11, 10:05
good luck u will be fine xx

02-12-11, 17:36
Hi, I had the same scan done for a benign tumour on my liver... like others have said - you feel like you are peeing yourself. But its over very quickly.

Hope it went OK!

jess xxx

02-12-11, 22:14
Well it all went well, was the weirdest taste in mouth lasted 5 seconds or so then i got a weird warm feeling in my groin area.

I asked how long it takes for the result's she said that normally they are passed straight on to the consultant the same day (is that normal?) and she said my consultant is normally fast with contacting me, i said i dont have an appointment to see she said he will phone me or send a letter, then my HA kicked in why did she say phone first (stupid i know)...

Anyhow now is the worst part of waiting for the results :(!

02-12-11, 23:33
Hiya, glad it went OK. They check it the same day and let you know VERY quickly if there is something wrong (within a day or so). My follow up appointment was 2 months after.

Jess xxx

03-12-11, 00:11
Thanks for the reply so no news is good news as they say?

03-12-11, 00:15
If there is something urgent they act on it like they did with me. Otherwise it is a routine appointment

03-12-11, 00:36
If there is something urgent they act on it like they did with me. Otherwise it is a routine appointment

Hi Nicola sorry if it's prying but how fast did they contact you?

03-12-11, 00:40
At the time Trev - but that was different cos it was when I had the crohn's flareup and they needed to act immediately.

The next time I had a scan they also told me afterwards that I had fistulas as well.

I guess it is the urgency that decided when they tell me

03-12-11, 13:20
i had my results within half an hour but they found something serious on mine so no news same day is good news, try not to worry to much xx

03-12-11, 16:19
Thanks amandaj i am trying to keep myself busy and not worry to much, i don't think they thought it was anything serious to start with hence this being 2 months since the original CT Scan but they are just making sure guess to cover there own backs tbh, however anyone with HA is going to freak out and i am no diffrent till i am told i am in the all clear.

However i am not going to be willing to have anymore CT Scans because of the radiation 2 in 2 months is alot i guess?

They did try and find it 3 weeks after the original CT Scan with a Ultrasound Scan but couldn't find it.

09-12-11, 17:17
Just a quick update it's been 8 days now since my scan and i rang the urologists secratary and she said my results were on the consultants desk to go over and that all being well she will be able to get my results in the post today.

Does this look good that i have nothing to worry about? Would i be contacted by phone if anything serious was up?

I am slightly anxious atm but trying to stay calm.

09-12-11, 20:21
sounds good as being posted and not a call, and there seems no panic from there side to give you the results try to stay calm im sure they would of rang alot sooner with results if anything wrong with them

09-12-11, 23:33
Thanks for the reply amandaj yeah i am hoping with the secratary leaving the room to check my results were on his desk and her coming abck and saying once the consultant has seen them my results will be posted (maybes she was trying to reassure me?)...

Anyways i am trying to stay calm as possible.

macc noodle
09-12-11, 23:52

I just wanted to say well done for getting thru this - if it were me I would be hopping up and down with anxiety. I think it shows your great strength and ability to deal with very stressful situations.

I am sure that everyone is right saying that no news is good news and the fact that it is a letter being sent out would signify that you will be getting good news.

Thinking of you and well done on keeping calm :hugs:

Macc Noodle

10-12-11, 21:29
Thanks macc no letter today or no call yesterday or today taking that as a positive since my results were on my consultants desk to check over.

Still want my damn results i hope she posted them yesterday and they come on monday or else i am ringing after the postie has been to find out whats going on :(

13-12-11, 15:36
Well i rang the hospital ( urologists sec) and she told me that the letter had not been wrote out but i was next up, she said if i ring in 30 mins she can read the letter over the phone.

I thought they were not allowed to do so :/?

13-12-11, 17:50
Trevstan you want the information and when they offer to read it out you then state are they allowed to. The secretary is probably getting permission from the consultant so that's why you have to wait 30 mins.
They cannot do right for doing wrong, just be pleased they are being cooperative.

13-12-11, 18:03
Yeah i guess your right ronski was just looking in to it to much.

Anyhow i rang back in an 40 mins and she explained that it is just a simple liver cyst and nothing to worry about but i would have to have a ultrasound scan done in 3 months time (don't know why?) and if it all comes back clear/fine i will not need anymore follow up care.

What actually causes liver cysts?

I said so it's not cancerous and she defo not and that it's nothing to worry about, i said you don't know how much this has took off my mind she said yeah its a nice xmas present and i will be able to enjoy xmas now.

I will still get my letter with the results and i still have the follow up letter for my cystoscopy but in general i am feeling good :)!