View Full Version : Some positive words please?

30-11-11, 21:47
Hey guys, I'm just after some motivation please... i am in university 10-3 tomorrow and I hate this day more than any other. I recently had a bad day on a thursday and now my mind thinks it's going to be like this every time. I've missed the last two lectures and just gone in for the seminar but I want to try and go in all day but I'm worrying already about it...

So if anyone can give me some positive words of advice then I would appreciate it so much!

30-11-11, 22:00
You had a bad day, and you need to try and see it as that and try not to think every day will be like that.

The way i have always dealt with things like this in the past is, i tell myself if i want to leave then i can, i can give any excuse i want but i don't have to stay, that alone has always kept my anx at bay.

I had to do this in work a few years ago when agoraphobia first came into my life, but i stuck with it and it never ever bothered me again, so i hope it works for you too.

30-11-11, 22:28
Thanks Diane, I do try and think like that but because I know the buses are only every hour I get really tense thinking I have to wait again for the next one. I'm going to go in though and see how I go, I've done it many times before and I need to start thinking of the good days rather than the bad ones xx