View Full Version : Swollen Glands 3 months

30-11-11, 23:21
My partner has been complaining of a sore neck for 3 months. The dr done some bloods, fbc, kft, lft and esr Crp. All has come back clear to her relief though today she has been feeling extremely dizzy and sick. Is there any bugs going around though I would of thought the bloods would have shown something. The dr did say if it was something nasty the bloods would have shown something. We are at are wits end with it. Any ideas?

30-11-11, 23:36
Would a viral infection show up in a blood test??

30-11-11, 23:38
That's what I'm wondering. I failed to mention that she keeps getting very hot and clammy then at other times she gets extremely cold and shivery.

01-12-11, 09:07
Where are the swollen glands, if its a viral infection it could take a very long time to go down x

01-12-11, 11:41
The glands in the left side of her neck and the dr said armpits too though these do not bother her.

01-12-11, 17:20
I have got swollen glands in my armpit that have been there for a month, I went back to the doctor who wasn't concerened and put me on more antiobiotics and they should be gone within two weeks. Try and not touch the glands as this can make them worse, they could take ages to go down if she has been poorly.

01-12-11, 23:38
Thanks dancingfrog