View Full Version : hi I'm new

01-12-11, 00:00
Hello I'm a health anxiety sufferer and when you read this you will be the only people that know apart from me! I suffer in silence all of the time! It's horrible! I don't know how to speak to people about it! Although a few years ago I was diagnosed with GAD after a massive panic attack! The health anxiety began after that! I don't go to my doctor anymore! I think they call what I have Pure O! It doesn't only consist of obsessing about my health but all aspects of my life! I constantly think and fear the worst of every situation! I don't know if I can cope much longer!
Anyway just thought I'd say hi!

01-12-11, 01:40
Hi I'm new too, isn't it great to find a site like this.
I'm a worrier too, not many people know my mum to an extent, but I try not to worry her.
If you need someone to chat to I'd be happy to listen, sounds like we are quite similar. Welcome hope to post with you soon. X

blue moon
01-12-11, 03:59
Welcome to you both,enjoy the site lot of info here and people really nice.
Love Petra xx:flowers:

01-12-11, 12:34
It is so hard. I suffered in silence for a while. I still hide it from my sisters, and my dad (too much pride) but I have confided in my boyfriend, who helps a lot, and a counselor. I am glad you have come here, because just talking about it and seeing that you are not crazy and there are others out there is so helpful.
