View Full Version : Its just not funny

01-12-11, 07:08
anymore - day after friggin day just battling panic or anxiety or both it is like living a kind of nightmare with no end to it not sure how much more have got left CBT crap doctor crap and i feel crap so great here we go again mike xxxx

01-12-11, 08:15
Ifeel exactly the same today. I have been fine for nearly a year now but yesterday I had a major panic attack in the cinema with my son and had to leave.
This has knocked me for 6 and while last night I was determined that I would go to work today and not spend the day locked to the settee I had a bad night and really don't feel up to it today.
So here I am doing exactly what I said I wouldn't - hugging the settee wondering how long to leave it before going back to sleep.
What a rubbish existence - the only thing keeping me going is knowing that I have got through 2 bad phases before and am sure I will do it again

01-12-11, 09:00
Thanks for reply - had to go to work today

Not sure if that is good or bad but at least am occupied .........

Had yesterday off as had blinding migraine so no one speaking to me here - just sat in an office silent and withdrawn

Hope you feel better soon xxxxxxxx


01-12-11, 09:42
I was going great then a few months back I hit the wall again. I try and not beat myself up over it. If it was a broken leg it would heal and not return but a sensitized mind has a way of coming and whacking you between the eyes time and time again.
I know there is no easy way through it but we keep facing up and try to get on with life as best we can.

Dont think too much about wanting a day to try and rest. You cant keep going forward constantly without taking a break.

Half an hour ago I thought I was going to have to go to hospital, now I feel ok.

Well tomorrows another day.

01-12-11, 13:08
Just keep busy at work - if people aren't talking to you that can be a blessing as it lets you get on with your jobs.
I took half a lorazepam and went back to sleep for a couple of hours - feel loads better, have managed to eat and don't feel as panicky now
onwards and upwards!

01-12-11, 13:41
I am having a not so good one today - just so tired of the constant worry and anxiety, it is just unrelenting

Veronica H
01-12-11, 14:20
:flowers:Hi Mike

day after friggin day just battling panic or anxiety or both it is like living a kind of nightmare with no end to it not sure how much more have got left CBT crap doctor crap and i feel crap so great here we go again.....Have you tried meditation yet? Even 10 mins a day has made such a difference to me. That and Dr Weekes has done wonders for my panic and anxiety. I hear you with CBT as it is one thing knowing where you are going wrong but it can be exhausting at times practicing not doing so. It sounds to me as though you are fatigued, and once you are rested then maybe CBT will work for you. Hang in there buddy:bighug1:Vx
Dr Claire Weekes;SELF HELP FOR YOUR NERVES published by Thorsens ISBN 0-7225-3155-9.This is available from the NMP shop. Dr Weekes was a physician and scientist. She was a fellow sufferer (nominated for the nobel prize for medicine) and really understood this illness. She took the mystery out of it, and devised a simple programme for recovery. I can't recommend this enough.( It is a bit old fashioned, but still so relevant).
Here is a link to her site;


Another book which has really helped me is;

Matthieu Ricard ' Happiness...a guide to developing life's most important skill ' published by Atlantic ISBN 978-1-84354-558-3.He is a French Buddhist monk and a very accomplished man....here is a link to one of his talks.....

http://www.ted.com/talks/matthieu_ri...happiness.html (http://www.ted.com/talks/matthieu_ricard_on_the_habits_of_happiness.html)

01-12-11, 16:18
Hi all, I have felt terrible lately. I hate being like this too every frigging day is a bloody battle. I really cant take much more. I really dont want to be here my life is non exsistent. My mental illness has made me a total recluse,i hate and dont trust no one. All the pleasures i once had are gone due to mental illness. Why does simple everyday thing kicks you where it hurts. Sometimes im just glad i got through the day.Why dont things in my head leave me alone and stop haunting me. THANKS FOR LETTING ME HAVE A MOAN. lol. xxxxxxx I just wanna be happy and get this big heavy load off my back!

01-12-11, 17:08
Hi all, I have felt terrible lately. I hate being like this too every frigging day is a bloody battle. I really cant take much more. I really dont want to be here my life is non exsistent. My mental illness has made me a total recluse,i hate and dont trust no one. All the pleasures i once had are gone due to mental illness. Why does simple everyday thing kicks you where it hurts. Sometimes im just glad i got through the day.Why dont things in my head leave me alone and stop haunting me. THANKS FOR LETTING ME HAVE A MOAN. lol. xxxxxxx I just wanna be happy and get this big heavy load off my back!

Please remember this is the illness doing this, its not you, this nasty illness won't be here forever and it shouldn't define who you are. You just need time to recover. I know its hard, believe me, I'm just coming out the other side but I needed medication, someone professional to talk to and most of all time and patience. You will get better, and you will be happy again, that I can assure you of xxx:bighug1:

02-12-11, 08:36
Hi all and thank you for your replies

Feeling a bit better today but still totally washed out with anxiety - wish I could sleep a bit might help - and eat as well though I can manage the odd lager LOL

Hope you are feeling ok
