View Full Version : I've changed from Propanolol to Diazepam advice needed

01-12-11, 09:28
Hi, I wonder if someone can help me please.

I used to take 40mg of Propanolol on a 'when required' basis as I get panic attacks at work whilst in meetings, making presentations etc. The main issue was my heart rate would hit the roof making me breathless and unable to speak. Whilst the Propanolol didn't make me any less panicy it would mean my heart wouldn't race so I could get through it.

Myself and my H have decided we want to try for a second baby so I had a chat with my doctor yesterday and he's taken me off Propanolol (for obvious reasons) and given me 2mg of Diazepam to take instead.

My question is, will the Diazepam stop my heart racing and enable me to get through the meeting or will it simply 'chill' me out which should mean I won't get quite so anxious to start with? My worry is that I get so wound up that the Diazepam wont' stop me having a panic attack.

01-12-11, 10:48
Hi Foo, I am on beta blockers anyway for my BP and never found they made any difference to my PA's. Doc put me on 2mg Diaz and I can honestly say it worked wonders for me. It's a really low dose anyway and takes about 1/2 hour to kick in but I'm sure you will find it really helpful and certainly helped my palpitations. You won't really notice that 'chilled out' feeling but it will do that, which in turn will give you more confidence and help you with the panicky feelings...which hopefully won't come :). I have taken it on an as & when basis for a few years now....can't leave home without one in my bag lol. Wish you lots of luck x

01-12-11, 11:06
Thanks so much Kitti that's made me feel much better :)

01-12-11, 12:23
i take the same but at 10mg on a "whenever i need it" basis x my mum takes diazepam and its supposed to really help you relax. It will stop the heartbeat racing because its making you relax. 2mg is a very low dose so it wont hurt you x just try not to live off of it because it can become addicting - my mums trying to come off of it gradually , it helped her get through the death of my brother and loads of work stress so it works! lol xxx Merry Christmasssssss x

01-12-11, 21:27
Hi foo, yes it will really help you relax, and as already said it is a very low dose, i use it myself when required and find it very usefull, calming and making me more able to cope, i always have some in my bag too, just in case x

04-12-11, 15:08
Diazepam worked wonders for me..very calming..I never leave home without one now..luckily I've not had to take one for a long time..I think just knowing I have one if needed is enough to keep panic at bay (in my case) x

05-12-11, 15:17
i took diazepam valium xanax for years,they all work the same way more or less,2 mg is a tiny dose,be really careful taking this kind of medication,i was really addicted to it taking 60 to 80 mg most days,in the end i had to go to a detox centre to get taking of it,just be careful foo,it will work wonders for your panic condition but i highly addictive,and dont drink on it,you will black out and not remember a thing