View Full Version : Cholesterol, glaucoma partial vision loss any help appreciated

01-12-11, 09:34
My mum lost part of her vision in her right eye for 20 minutes 3 weeks ago. The doctor sent her for blood tests and to and optometrist. The optometrist did a few tests and said she had a slight drainage issue in her right eye and was in a low to medium risk of glaucoma. He said her vision loss was probably a migraine even tho she doesn't get these and didn't have a headache?! She has now been reffered to a Ophthalmologist about her eye.

Her blood test came back and she has high cholesterol 7.5 I spoke to the receptionist who gave me this breakdown LDL 4.4 HDL 2.6. She has an appointment next week to talk about this but I am going mad with worry.

I googled and convinced myself she had a TIA which is a mini stroke most often a warning stroke meaning a worse stroke will happen soon.

If anyone has experienced partial temporary vision loss? What caused it? Can glaucoma cause it or a migraine even tho she doesn't get them?

Anyone know anything about cholesterol? I worked out her ratio which seemed good so now thinking I have got the breakdown wrong.

Anyone's help would help, struggling at the moment have spent the last month worrying I have cc or bc and been diagnosed with depression on second day of taking cipromil and just feeling crap. Prefer worrying about myself I think as feel worse worrying about my mum, and she don't know what I am going through as haven't told her.

01-12-11, 09:40

I did reply about this the other day and say that it could be nothing like it was with my mums friend.

If your mum is worried she needs to see the doctor and maybe get a scan done if they think it is necessary.

01-12-11, 09:48
She is not worried I don't think, she feels fine just gets eye ache sometimes and is confused about her cholesterol as she eats healthy and has hardly any saturated fat in her diet as does weight watchers she does smoke tho

01-12-11, 12:41
The doc may prescribe statins for the cholesterol but he will explain all that to her.

Please try not to worry about this. If she is ok then it could have been one of those things.

I will ask my mum later if anything further happened to her friend as well.

01-12-11, 13:22
Thank you Nicola I appreciate your comments