View Full Version : personal space

01-06-06, 16:33
hi i am very new to this site this is only my second post. i suffer from very high anxiety as a result of PTSD. one of the issues i am struggling with is a need for large amounts of personal space, even when my close family are coming i get really anxious about this. i am not really a very good talker, quite the opposite to my close family,when they are around i know it seems awful but i want them to leave as i feel out of control. i love them all very much but this alone does not take my anxieties away. i would never mean to offend them i just need lots of personal space. anyone else feel this way?



01-06-06, 17:23
Only slightly, not to the extent you do i dont think. When im going through a big bout of anxiety as the weeks go on i struggle to be sociable & like to keep it short because i really havent got the energy or the want to get into conversations etc. But when im not having an axiety time i love social events ive got to admit.

01-06-06, 19:29

I seem to need quite alot of personal space too. I like to just be quiet sometimes and am a quiet person. And when family come round I find it difficult sometimes to know what to say.

Also when neighbours speak to me, some days I feel more confident and then other days I'd rather they didn't speak to me, but if I put my head down and don't say anything I feel bad and worry they'll think i'm rude.


01-06-06, 19:52
Hi Dave,

I think this is quite a natural reaction which is all to do with fear. When I'm highly anxious I feel uneasy with my friends, even when I'm in a group of non-judgemental ones. But when I'm in a group where I can take control, I am able to calm down.

The PTSD may be reminding you of a bad family memory when family members come to visit even though that may have little bearing on the cause of PTSD itself.


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

01-06-06, 21:26
Hi dave

glad u found this site and u will get great help from here.

Yes, I know the feeling well - needing your own space and it is ok to be like that sometimes. I am getting better although there are times when I still need to have time to myself.

Enjoy your "me time" - we all need it.

Take care


........life is for living not just for surviving

02-06-06, 11:55
Hi Dave

When im having an anxious day i just want to be at home on my own.

Even though im close with my family etc I just need to be on my own when feeling like this

love mandie x

02-06-06, 13:41
Hi Dave,
I understand how you feel,ive always liked my own space. Please be careful though i like my own space a bit too much and i have lost friends and contact with family because of this,i withdrew too much from the outside world i stopped answering the door or the phone and my friends gave up i suppose. I wish id spoken to them about how i was feeling,im sure they would have understood and given me the space i needed.
Can you talk to your family? Im sure if they can understand how you feel they will respect how you feel and give you the time you need on your own without taking offence?
Good Luck Dave and hope you feel better soon
Take care xx