View Full Version : Can reflux cause breast pain?

01-12-11, 11:11
I duno if it's a coincidence but when my reflux is bad my left breast aches and my armpit area. I feel like under my sternum more to the left there's a big bubble trapped. And my breast has a deep achy feeling.

Lele x

01-12-11, 12:36
Yes - it can be felt in the chest, breast or back

01-12-11, 14:17
Can it really. It feels like breast and arm ache

01-12-11, 14:20
Can it really. It feels like breast and arm ache

I think I get this too!! I was convinced it was my heart! Lol!

I get like a on/off ache on my left boob, armpit/arm area. When I've
mentioned it to the GP he said it sounds like indegestion/aciddy sensation!

01-12-11, 14:54
Really amy?? Mines is just that. Sometimes feels like someone's pinching my nipple?

Lele x

01-12-11, 15:05
I only ever get it in my left boob - which is what freaked me out!

I couldn't make up my mind if it was a muscular sensation or what?!

It's sometimes so slight, but other times it's almost like like a pinching sensation.

I'm so glad someone else gets this!! Lol! XD

01-12-11, 15:11
Yeah me too!! It's only ever left side. Sometimes achy sometimes I can just "feel it"

Glad I'm not alone too :)

Lele x

01-01-12, 06:13
Me too. Its sort of reassuring to realise others feel the same thing too.
And with the rich eating of this party week, I am sure it hasn't helped any.
I only ever get it on my left side too.

Cell block H fan
01-01-12, 08:38
Glad I saw this thread. Have had this a couple of days now. I have had it before too, so I haven't been overly worried. I also started getting abdominal cramps last night, they weren't terrible, but I have also had that before, & it was at the same time as the aching on the left of the chest! And yes, it's in the boob.
So me thinks it's a party season problem? :D
Lack of activity possibly too, as the last time I had it was when I was off work for a week. And have been off over xmas now :ohmy:

03-01-12, 11:07
What does the "pain" feel like In the breast???