View Full Version : D&V Bug

01-12-11, 14:10
Hi, not been here for a while, which is good, but feel as though I'm slipping:weep:

On Tuesday evening I went down with a dreaded D&V bug that has been going about, to be honest it was only Diarrhea and a very sickly feeling.

Thankfully it stopped yesterday afternoon, but today I have a pain in my back over my left kidney, it's deffo not backache...so does anyone know if having a severe bout of diarrhea can cause a water/ kidney infection?

I'd be grateful for any feedback.

Trish x

01-12-11, 14:39
Have you been topping up your fluids? Sometimes the kidneys can feel like they've had a fight with a cheese grater after diarrhoea because of all the essential fluids and salts that they've been robbed off due to the bug.

Get drinking and I'm sure you'll feel better in no time x ;)