View Full Version : Cancer fear

01-12-11, 15:12
Hi all. I'm not sure exactly what I hope to achieve with this. Perhaps just typing everything out will help somewhat.

I'm 28 and near to convinced I have lung cancer. I recently quit smoking but picked them back up again due to the stress. I really want to put them down for good though...

I'm currently backpacking through Europe. I got here from Australia a week ago. Since then I've been getting blood in my nose each morning. I've been travelling around Scandinavia, and from googling I've seen that cold dry air, or air dried from heaters can cause this. I had it before I left, but I'm pretty sure that was due to too much blowing/poking etc.

I've also been getting upper back pain. I'm lugging around baggage every second day, sleeping on a different bed every 3-4 nights, so I try to tell myself that I'm straining myself from it, but that doesn't help a lot. I'm prone to back pain too, so it feels a bit daft worrying now...

I lost my mother earlier this year due to a heart attack. I was put on medication for anxiety a few months before that. When I think about it all logically, I see that its all the anxiety. Then I think, 'What if its not...?' Being on the otherside of the world isnt exactly helping me a lot either. Ugh. I'm trying to get past it, but I feel like its ruining my trip.

01-12-11, 15:51
Hi Polaris [nice name ]:)
You have rationalised every symptom yourself wisely ......yes your back will feeling the strain of lugging backpack around and honestly some of the beds you will have been sleeping on will not help muscular aches.
YES the cold air and air conditioning dry up the mucous membranes in nose and throat so blood can happen sometimes when blowing nose or coughing .
Add to the mix the adrenaline surge of travelling .no wonder you feel edgy pal .
And you are bound to be still grieving your mum :hugs:

So these awful thoughts of lung cancer ? tell them to go away .....it is your mind and the demon anxiety sneaking in while you are out of your usual life pattern and all is a bit strange around you .
Believe me it is hugely unlikely and you dont have the age or symptoms :hugs:

enjoy your trip Polaris ....fabulous you are doing it and getting out and living life .
You will be fine ...........go with the flow if you can and meet lots of new friends .
My son had huge panic attack for first time on world trip in Asia .........but continued his trip and came back in fine fettle and confident .
just a bit culture shock for him I think
enjoy it Polaris and dont worry :yesyes:
