View Full Version : High cholesterol stroke

01-12-11, 17:03
I know I have posted a few times but looking for someone who knows a bit about cholesterol.

My mums cholesterol is 7.5 The breakdown of this is LDL 4.4 and HDL 2.6.

He asked abouth her lifestyle and she eats really healthy anyway and her major downfall is smoking. He is putting her on cholesterol tablets how long will they take to work?

I am really worried she is going to have a stroke, a few weeks ago she partially lost her vision for 20 minutes she had no other symtoms other then a slight eye ache which comes and goes. An optometrist has said it was probably a migraine even tho she don't get them and had no headache. He also said she is showing low risk for glaucoma from the pressure eye test. All the field if vision and other eye tests were fine. She is being referred to a eye specialist.

I googled and am convinced my mum had a mini stroke a warning stroke if a worse one to come. Would this have presented other symptoms?

Please help anyone

01-12-11, 17:34
I have been taking cholesterol tabs since 1998.Statins.
I had a heart operation in 2001. My arteries were clogged up.
I had angina to start with, which led to an angiogram. That is when they found out about the arteries.
I have to stay on the cholesterol tabs to stop my arteries furring up again.
I don't know anything about the breakdown numbers. my cholesterol count varies from year to year usually 4.something.
I gave up smoking when I had angina,but I have recently started to have an odd ciggy now and then.I do not have angina now. I am convinced that the angina was brought on by stress.
I don't know if I am correct in saying glaucoma is treatable. My brother had it, he had eye drops. Your Mum will know more when she has seen the eye specialist.
The lady down our road had a mini stroke. don't think it was anything to do with high cholesterol. Her Mother had mini strokes too.
The lady lost feeling in her face and arm on one side. I think the syptoms of a stroke are like that.
Please try not to worry :hugs:

william wallace
01-12-11, 17:56
I take Simvstatin for cholesterol and to help lower my blood pressure. I also take a very small amount of aspirin (75mg) per day. Aspirin helps thin the blood and reduce clotting.
Statin should start working after a few days:)

01-12-11, 19:00
I too take the same dose of aspirin a day. i have the ones with a coating on, as the soluable aspirin does not suit me as in---- upset my stomach.

01-12-11, 19:38
kirsty - maybe add to your other posts than start a new one then members have the full picture of things and all the replies you had had about this.

The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) and Department of Health cholesterol guidelines, which is the policy doctors follow, are:

Total cholesterol - less than 5.0mmol/l
LDL cholesterol - less than 3.0mmol/l

01-12-11, 19:39
This site explains it all well:


01-12-11, 19:48
Thank you all so much for your replys

Do you think just the vision loss could have been a TIA? I am awful at the moment my mum never answered the home phone yesterday so I flew round there in a state with my 3year old to find out she had gone shopping.

Does anyone know anything about ratios? I read that doctors don't always go by total cholesterol but total divided by HDL?

01-12-11, 19:51
I replied to your original post about this now

Please stop worrying about anything until your mum has seen the doctor and got things looked at.

01-12-11, 20:01
But they are not investigating any head stuff just all eye related :( Sorry I keep going on just my anxiety is so bad at the moment also on day 2 of citromil and feeling a lil weirder then usual

---------- Post added at 20:01 ---------- Previous post was at 19:57 ----------

Thank you for your reply on my other post as I said they are not doing scans they are just reffering her to an opthromolist an her bloods were ok other then cholesterol

01-12-11, 20:32
Ok well if they aren't worried then they know what they are doing and we don't lol.

Let them do their investigations and take it from there.

01-12-11, 20:51
Thank you Nicola sorry to keep going on I really think I am going to go completely mental soon I try and be strong for my little girl but spend most the day googling the last few days about stroke cholesterol etc and everyday I seem to think of a new way of wording symptoms and looking for results. I just don't have faith in my mums doctor he has been our family doctor for 25 years tho I now have moved and changed doctor but he didn't even do a blood pressure test, she has asked for one and is having it done next week but still and it makes me wonder if he even knows what a TIA is