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01-12-11, 17:52
Why aint I getting better? I've been like this for 2years now, I've jus felt really dizzy, breathless, scared to death, is all this normal? I'm so afraid of death??? :( I don't know what to do anymore, 2 people the the past 2weeks I know have commit suicide due to axiety/depression like myself, so now I'm more scared ill do somethin stupid! I'm due on my period cud this be why I'm panicy? Please someone tell me they have felt like this before :( x

01-12-11, 20:54
I'm sorry to hear about your friends but this doesn't mean you are going to do the same. There is always help out there to get you through times when you feel like there's no hope.
The symptoms you describe definitley are normal in anxiety disorders, and if you're coming up to your period a lot of women experience a peak in their anxiety during that time.

01-12-11, 21:01
Hiya Lea

know exactly how you feel, and its because you're caught in a cycle of fear of your symptoms - you've probably read and experienced for yourself that the more you worry, the worse the symptoms get? thats because of the adrenaline released when you worry about a bodily symptom, which exaggerates it! which scares you more, so you worry more...

Have you ever tried CBT? its the best way to get over panic disorder (clinically proven in NHS) I found an online course on here a couple of months ago and haven't looked back, its helped me so much :)


you will find all the answers ur lookin for

let us know how u get on x