View Full Version : Here I go again

01-12-11, 18:48
I have been doing brilliantly in the last couple of months, I've come off meds, have found the most amazing councellor and have managed to get through the days without too much anxiety...until now. I'm due on my period and now I'm having constant panic attacks and feeling anxious all the time. This is definitely linked to my periods, the doctor wont listen to me. :weep:
I'm having a really bad time :weep:

01-12-11, 19:13
There will always be bumps in the road.

If you've been doing really good the last few months then you know you can live and be happy. Try not to think in all or nothing terms and that this is just a temporary state.

I hope you feel better.

01-12-11, 19:28
Thank you for the reply. I know that this is just a blip in the road its just really hard to remember that.

01-12-11, 21:28
Oil of evening primrose supplements are supposed to be really good for hormone regulation and are recommended if you have a hard time with your periods.

You could always give them a try, it might balance things out a bit for you when you're due on.

02-12-11, 22:32
Evening primrose is supposed to be really good. I think hormones have a lot to answer for as far as panic is concerned!!! Have you thought about contraceptive types to quell the peaks and troughs of periods? I have the implant and it has helped with the "monthly swing", but sadly it hasn't helped with the other swings! x