View Full Version : Is it me?

01-06-06, 18:07
Is it me - why is it then when the weather starts getting sunnier and hotter - on the one hand I am happy cozit makes me feel good to see blue sky and sun but on the other hand I can feel the high humidty in the air and it feels oppressive and I cant get my breath easily and feel light headed! Wenjoy

01-06-06, 19:13
Hi Wenjoy,

I've found the hot weather has started doing this with me too. I really like the warm, sunny weather but also find I sometimes can't get my breath easily when i'm moving around and I feel lightheaded too.

Take Care,


01-06-06, 20:42
Hi, I can totally relate to what your saying, it is really nice to see the hot and sunny weather coming. I do tend not to spend a lot of time in it. There are many people on the site who post these topics this time of year, so don't worry, your not alone. Tara x