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01-12-11, 20:03
oh how i love the ignorace of some people, you post something and never get a reply!!!!! Well i thought id inform you that im ok anyway:scared15:.. i guess theres a whole load of newbie's on here now. All the old croud must be well again, at least i hope they are... i am 2, for at least then i did get replies!!! Aniexty and panic does not stay with you forever there is light at the end of the tunnel no matter how bad you are feeling right this minute. you just got to go on this journey till your ready to accept that we wont die, or stay like this forever:hugs:.I am a recovering anxious/panic disorder person, i am normal again after suffering for 2 years. Once i started my meds i was well and nearly back to me after just 4 months!!!!!!!!! it was hard but it was a day at a time and now its been over a year and im good! brand new! .... i do try to replie to people for never turn away a stranger, they could have been an angel in disguise!!!!!!:noangel::noangel::noangel:


01-12-11, 20:20

I'm sorry youre frustrated that you haven't been replied to. Think it's a bit harsh to call people 'ignorant' though.

We all have our own stuff/issues going on, just as you do, and there may be a million different reasons why your post isn't replied to. Sometimes it just gets lost amongst all the following posts, sometimes people just are not around to answer quickly, and sometimes people are to be honest, busy in their own lives.

I for one try to reply to whatever I can, when I can, if I think I can offer something useful. I have been up to my eyes in an Open Uni course so time is limited, and I am sure others are in the same boat with things going on for them.

It doesn't mean they don't want to reply or are ignorant though.

Whilst you may think the old crowd are well now so aren't replying, I would guess that isn't necessarily the case. Mental health probs always leave their mark/rear their heads again. Well they do for me at least, still now when I consider myself much better. I still have glitches though.

I am glad to hear you are better. That is great news.

I hope things carry on 'on the up' for you.


01-12-11, 20:56
Thats great news youve recovered, gives us all hope :D ive not been able to be on here much as net down so only got my phone to use :mad: but i do try to reply to people if i feel i can help them :D x x

01-12-11, 21:07
like nicola i always try to help people where i can, but sometimes we have off days too, but i'm glad you are recovering good luck x

01-12-11, 21:16
oh how i love the ignorace of some people, you post something and never get a reply!!!!! Well i thought id inform you that im ok anyway:scared15:.. i guess theres a whole load of newbie's on here now. All the old croud must be well again, at least i hope they are... i am 2, for at least then i did get replies!!! Aniexty and panic does not stay with you forever there is light at the end of the tunnel no matter how bad you are feeling right this minute. you just got to go on this journey till your ready to accept that we wont die, or stay like this forever:hugs:.I am a recovering anxious/panic disorder person, i am normal again after suffering for 2 years. Once i started my meds i was well and nearly back to me after just 4 months!!!!!!!!! it was hard but it was a day at a time and now its been over a year and im good! brand new! .... i do try to replie to people for never turn away a stranger, they could have been an angel in disguise!!!!!!:noangel::noangel::noangel:

xI was quite interested by your post. I expect that I qualify to be one of the old crowd in age and in length of time hanging around these forums. I remember being told off once for saying that if I post then I would expect someone to reply. This was only said in the hope that someone would eventually reply rather than thinking poor old me I'm not worthy enough to receive any replies. I find that I will reply to a post if it is not too long in length, it is of a subject that I have personal experience of or that I can relate to. If your post hasn't been replied to then you can always 'bump' it up by adding an update of your situation. I'm less likely to respond if someone writes in 'slang' or in a coded way that is difficult to respond to. I hope this helps. EJ.

01-12-11, 23:27
I do not think people are ignorant at all. That was a bit harsh to members.

I just read your post and did not reply because I do not have any experience of the medication you are/were on so there is no point me replying to be honest.

I am glad you are feeling better but I just wondered why you posted about your medication if you are well again? It kind of read to me that you need to go back on it maybe?

blue moon
02-12-11, 01:23
I just say I usually kill threads that is why I often do not reply:weep:
Petra xx