View Full Version : Lead Poisoning? Really Worried!

01-12-11, 20:37
A couple of days ago i was out with my dad and granddad and I was shooting cans in the garden with a gas powered air pistol, the pellets were lead pellets and even though I didn't handle them i could smell the lead on my hand. Afterwards we were eating pizza and chips and after I'd eaten I forgot to rinse my hands I started worrying silently I may have gotten lead into my system I didn't want to say anything but I felt silly. Because they know what I'm like.

Tonight I've been feeling
I haven't had diareah but my stools have been uncomfortable and much softer.
Feeling "swimmy"

I can feel my pulse in my head and my body which is making me feel "trembly"

Like I'm lacking iron or sugar.
But I've eaten well today and I'm sleeping fine.

I don't know if its my period I've just got it after 5 months. (Irregular periods because of my contraception)

I'm really worried please help :-(

01-12-11, 20:44
Its the anxiety, you wouldnt be able to get lead poisoning if you didnt even touch the pellets

05-12-11, 21:47
this once i was "fixing" a thermometer and managed to get it to blow up and i took a huge lungful of lead and mercury, that was 6 years ago! you are at no risk of lead poisoning at all!

05-12-11, 21:56
when I worked for a friend a few years back he used scrap lead as part of his work, it was in sheets folded up and my job was to use a huge lever to cut them up ready to be melted down in a pan, they gave off loads of lead dust as well, I smoked at the time too(hand to mouth action) probably breathed a bit of lead dust in, and had nothing other than cold water to rinse my hands (if I did at all, I can't recall). Never did me any harm :)