View Full Version : Fatty liver,colon cancer... WORRIED!

01-12-11, 21:09
For a long time i have always had tummy issues but always put it down to anxiety and just being a stresshead..

anyway recently i can't even finsh my dinner without getting horrible pains in the upper left tummy just under ribs :/

i also can't eat things like pizza or anything really full of oil otherwise i will be spending the night being sick...

But this upper left hand pain is really worrying me... i read somewhere it could be pancreatic cancer or colon cancer..
its a constant pain but also like a throbbing pain...

has anyone had this or could help please?!

---------- Post added at 21:09 ---------- Previous post was at 20:51 ----------


01-12-11, 21:17
this my shed some light http://www.abdopain.com/upper-central-abdominal-pain.html

01-12-11, 21:19
Thanks i read this and was wondering if i should go to a&e :/

01-12-11, 21:21
Yes quite often ..I was diagnosed with IBS ..i SUGGEST YOU go see your Gp .He will reassure you that you dont have the other ilnesses ..Try not to Google as it will always give you the wrong Diagnosis .Read the IBS page it will explain a lot of things to you .Its on the left of the page on Main Menu .T/C Sue x