View Full Version : Going to all lengths

01-12-11, 21:26
i'm 21

*i dont smoke
*dont drink alcohol
*have my 5 a day
*exercise 4-5 hours a week

this i think is very obsessive i dont eat anything like biscuits, crisps .. anything i have porridge or special K for breakfast and a glass of orange and banana or apple lunch is usually fruit or homemade sandwich and dinner various cheap vegetarian dishes.

My only faults is i drink coffee is that bad i think because its a drug and caffeine gets metabolized i'm not sure if that uses nutrients to metabolize i would imagine it does :/

01-12-11, 21:42
Hey, you are sooo good, i would'nt worry about coffee, i wish i could be as disiplined as you, scottish lad WELL DONE!!!

01-12-11, 22:07
thats so good wish i was like that xxx

02-12-11, 09:31
is this diet aimed at reducing your anxiety symptoms? or a general health/wellbeing lifestyle?

I'm just wondering cos if it's general wellbeing then that's great and I really admire your self discipline!!
But if it's in order to reduce anxiety symptoms I'd suggest that the coffee might not be a good idea. Caffeine is a stimulant and anxiety sufferers tend to be sensitive to this- our nervous systems are already pretty highly charged without adding a stimulant! lol
But of course this is my own personal choice to avoid it I have friends with anxiety probs who just love coffee and have decided it doesn't affect them so they still drink it.
I certainly wouldn't worry about it taking nutrients to metabolize it cos it seems from your diet you're getting all the nutrients you need :)

02-12-11, 09:42
Hi vicky thanks for the feedback :)

mmm my diet etc is just for general well-being not really for my anxiety at all, i know the horrid effects of what caffeine does to anxiety :( i've tried to give up many times and the longest was 2 days... fail lol
Think i love the taste of coffee too much haha

02-12-11, 11:15
If you really want to give up coffee, how about trying decaf? Switch over gradually to wean yourself off, otherwise you'll get really bad headaches. But, unless it's causing you problems, I wouldn't bother. We all need a little bit of fun in our lives :)

02-12-11, 16:45
lol I'm lucky to not be that bothered by it I can pretty much take it or leave it :) But I agree with allinmyhead I think that for some people it doesn't bother them unless they drink like 30 cups a day then they start bouncing off the walls! lol In which case allow yourself that indulgence

02-12-11, 17:46
im terrible without caffiene maybe i should start reducing maybe that was causing my funny eye drinking far to much of it

02-12-11, 17:48
^ 2 or 3 cups a day shouldnt do you any harm :)

02-12-11, 17:50
mmmmm try 2 litre of diet coke a day yikes now thats bad!!!!

02-12-11, 17:53
wouldnt say its bad ... maybe try to cut down though... i'm drinking a can of diet coke while we speak lol

02-12-11, 17:58
lol how u feeling anyways having a better day then yesterday? im slightly better,

02-12-11, 17:58
Coffee is good for most people. It prevents many diseases. Considering the amount of people who drink it scientists would have realized if it was harmful to your health.

I've heard other people say that caffeine makes their anxiety worse. Personally, i drink coffee and enjoy it, doesn't make a difference to my anxiety, although i have OCD.

02-12-11, 18:01
lol how u feeling anyways having a better day then yesterday? im slightly better,

just depressed these dark, cold nights really get me deeply bored and depressed in summer nights i'm out on my bike or something.

02-12-11, 18:05
are you finding this website any good? its made a diffrence not to feel alone here, im trying a new chapter tomorrow after opticians if they say everything looks great then im gonna try get of this mind and do loads of out door things when im in i feel the anixety at its worst! so gonna avoid any worrie !

02-12-11, 18:07
the website is comforting to know theres others like me ... :)

good for you wanting to change! i'm sure tomorrow will be just fine for you :)