View Full Version : i cant cope ive hit big time low

01-12-11, 21:58
ive hit big time low 3 weeks of slight pressure or droop in eye same side i had headaces im convinced brain tumor i cant cope all i think about day in day out, i went to doc other day and she didnt check pressure behind eyes so ive freaked and asked opticans to see me saturday! should i be feeling like this i need reassurance big time, doc has prescribed 10ml of anti deppresant not for aniexty but for headace and eye and said lets try this but im so worried she didnt check

01-12-11, 22:02
Amitriptyline is that what your doc prescribed ?

she didnt check pressure cause gp's dont have the instruments in there room to do so... where as a optician does measure pressure... please let me know how you get on :)

01-12-11, 22:04
thats the drug hun, will that help? should i be worried she didnt look at my eyes with torch? im so low i hate it

01-12-11, 22:07
no dont be worried at all :) i'm not a doctor but my step-dad is a GP plus i'm a health geek i read up on illness and disease loads and loads...

if she looked with a torch it would tell her nothing looking with a torch wouldnt of shown her the pressure or whats going on behind the eye... is it a droopy eyelid you have sort of like its swollen up coming down over the eye?

01-12-11, 22:13
its weird really put your finger slightly on your corner of your top eye lid thats how it feels theres no pain but not visble but feels like that, thank you so much for ur replys means loads

01-12-11, 22:16
i really dont know what it is :/

but dont assume its a brain tumor thats the worse possibility theres a range and thats at the top theres hundreds of minor trivial conditions that could be causing your annoyance with your eye and its most likely a trivial thing that will be easily treated by your family doctor never assume the worse cause its not likely a tumor ! :)

let me know how you get on though :)

01-12-11, 22:19
thank you so much u have steady my nerves nearly hit a full blown panic attack, i will let u know what happens saturday,should i start on meds now or wait till my appointment and see what he thinks?

01-12-11, 22:23
i would just take your meds like your doctor said :) i believe your meds are slightly sedative so should help you sleep as well :)

01-12-11, 22:45
cheers will do, to pick your brain again surely if i had presssure behind eye it would be painful?

01-12-11, 22:49
yes, i would have thought so... hopefully this turns out to be something trivial to be honest when i'm uptight or anxious i feel a constant dullness or pressure all over my head and or sometimes in both my eyes.

01-12-11, 22:54
cheers honey i was thinking thats why she didnt really go through checking eyes if i said i had pain then she would start investigating oh well see what opticians say, your a star glad you are online tonight youve really helped me calm down wah never been like this since few months ago when they expected blood clot in my lung and pure fear sent this horrid aniexty crap!!!! cheers hun do u suffer from aniexty?

01-12-11, 22:59
glad i calmed you down... never assume the worse because theres hundreds and hundreds of minor medical conditions that cause the same symptoms as major ones.

I suffer Anxiety yes but i have Aspergers also i walked into the town today and my head was spinning couldnt cope hate noises as well espcially loud industrial noises :(

01-12-11, 23:03
omg really my son has asd add and tic disorder mild. you would no notice but we do and teachers, son struggles with going down town likes school then straight home in his comfort, place same as u hate noise loud ones hope life gets easier for u,

01-12-11, 23:06
thanks :)

do message me or something and let me know how you get on ... i get anxious at people posting health worries up lol