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View Full Version : Whos been or is currently on ranitidine?

01-12-11, 22:38
So my last medication I was on for my acid reflux gave me some horrible side effects of backache and belly pain so my doc has prescribed me ranitidine.
She said to take them twice a day 12 hours apart ..

I would like to know how you take them? Is 10am and 10pm fine? and how long do you have to wait to eat after taking them?

I took my first pill this morning, then the second not long ago at 10pm.

I hope this works out better for me!

01-12-11, 22:51
I take famotidine which is slightly different from yours but same family of drugs and have taken it for 18 years for hiatus hernia anda reflux.

I take mine when I frist get up in morning so can vary by quite a few hours and then again just before bed so again vaires alot so its always more than 12 hrs apart and different every day and seems to make no difference at all.
I take it after I have eaten at night and before I eat in morning as I don't eat for at least 2 hrs after I get up.

If I forget to take one it takes about 8 hrs after missed dose for me to experience heartburn.

They are fairly mild drugs and I have not had any side effects that I know of.

01-12-11, 22:51

10am and 10pm is fine. Whatever suits your day is ok, as long as they are spaced out correctly.

You can eat half an hour after ranitidine. It is just to give it a chance to work before eating.


01-12-11, 22:56
I rang my doctor this morning after freaking out when i read the side effects and she convinced me its a safe drug as you can buy it over the counter..i over reacted lol

That all sounds good to me thanks girls xx

03-12-11, 00:48
You off the lansoprazole then? I'm seeing my doctor again on the 19th Dec. By that time I will have been on them a month. If the nausea and loose stools haven't improved by then I was going to suggest ranitidine. I used to take this years ago. Next time you're in the supermarket have a look on the shelves, it's called Zantac. Costs a fortune though.

Good Luck. x