View Full Version : Xray

02-12-11, 07:17
You will have to excuse me as I am doing this through tiny slits between my eyelids lol.

O.K. so this is how it was for me today. Within the last 4 months I have had the flu twice. Unfortunately when I get the flu it goes straight to my lungs and play's serious havoc with my breathing more than anything else. I have noticed within the last 4 or 5 times getting the flu it has taken me a lot longer for the lungs to empty of it's sickness. Well, the second last time I caught the flu once again my lungs would fill up and basically render me useless for anything (including walking for any period of time) and this time it has never let go since. So I finally became fed up with it and went to the Dr's and explained my discomfort. I was sent to have x-ray's done on my chest. I went this morning to get it done and that is why I am doing this thingy. While I was being photoed I could see the pictures coming up on screen. As I was looking at the second one I noticed two dark almost black round objects on my lung. I initially thought that maybe this was nothing but when the tech was playing close attention to the two orbs I knew there was something wrong. After he seen the pics he became very serious with me and changed complete attitude.

I am not saying that this could be cancerous or anything else as I am not a professional and I also did not look on the web for answers. I will just have to wait for the phone call from the Doctors office to find out.

It has been sitting in the back of my mind all day and I can not help feel a little uneasy about it.

I have three beautiful children that need me here and I am so much more worried for them than myself. Please let it be nothing and I can go on with life.

08-12-11, 21:22
Thank you for the reply. I have been away for a while and have just returned to see what's up. Well, good news about the x-ray's. I am good as far as the spot's are concerned no problem there. I do on the other hand have pneumonia in my lungs and now on some great medicine for it. Yeay!! :yahoo:

I just can't wait to be able to breathe right again.

08-12-11, 22:47
Wow brilliant news! Must be such a relief to hear its nothing too serious, although pneumonia cant be fun. Poor you, I hope you get better soon :)