View Full Version : Having a very bad week

02-12-11, 12:13
Hi guys I'm having a really crap time this week I just feel like I could cry all the time. It just seems like I'm getting one bad feeling after another and I haven't had a day this week where I haven't felt like I'm gonna die. I'm scared all the time and I'm sat at home now just don't know what to do. My family have just come round and I just can't even bring myself to be sociable to them, just sat in a chair trying not to cry. I've had palpitations all morning and I feel like if I try to push passed the anxiety and just get up and do something that I'm gonna collapse.

Please tell me I'm not alone in feeling like this!?

Jenni xx

02-12-11, 12:27
hi your not alone ,we all get times when its not good ..extra pressure of christmas comming ,and all it entails,,,,why dont you go in the garden ,take some nice long breaths of fresh air you will be ok ,xxxx:hugs:

02-12-11, 13:32
I feel exactly as you describe. It is so hard to push thru when you feel that way.

02-12-11, 13:38
Hi all, yes i have felt terrible this week. I really have had thoughts of not being here. Everything is too much.I agree i think its cause of xmas and it takes us out of our comfort zone and enphisies money worries too. I wish i could skip it all and wake up in the middle of January 2012. I feel im wading in treacle and im totally mentally and physically exhausted. I just want all my thoughts to get lost and leave me alone. I really dont like myself at the moment. xxxx

02-12-11, 16:51
Hi guys thanks for the replies. I'm sorry you are feeling crap aswell, but glad I'm not alone! I've managed to keep my mind occupied today making saltdough xmas decs!!! I agree it always seems like the lead up to xmas is the worst time for anxiety.

02-12-11, 17:10
we all have bad days, bad weeks, it does not last forever, just try to stay positive and think that you can get through it!!

02-12-11, 21:00
thankyou xx